Their website shows which blends are currently available. In my experience, I only do telephone orders with them. It is very simple and quick. My only suggestion would be to decide the blend(s) and quantities of each before calling. That way, when they answer, you can very clearly give them that information and the contact will be polite, but businesslike. Once you provide them with your shipping address and credit card info, the reorders are even more simple. I had a bad experience with an on line order with them last year that compromised my cc, but I have ordered via telephone several times since with no problems. I almost gave up on them after the online problems, but I am glad I didn't. Their blends are hands down my favorites. I know it is personal preference, but I really have found something to like from almost every blend I have tried as you can see by my comments in my Excel notes. Hopefully you too will find a blend that you like. We need businesses like this to survive. Next month I plan to place an order for several 8oz or 16oz quantities to cellar. Good Luck and Good Smoking.