Well, I dunno.
My wife hates, hates, hates, the smell of tobacco. She says it coats everything in the house. When we moved into our "new" old house about six years ago, she said I could smoke in my downstairs office. Since I, too, am a freelance writer, I thought, finally, I get my own room to not only write my stories, but also to smoke my beloved pipes.
Hold on. The smoke went up through a couple of old ceiling vents. I shut them off, but they would not close completely. I covered them. I still got loud complaints.
I installed an exhaust window fan in the one window, opened wide the French doors to the office that walks out to a section beneath the house.
Still got complaints.
I bought a $300 air purifier and turned it on full blast.
More complaints.
Finally, an ultimatum. No more smoking in the house because it will devalue the house when we begin to sell.
Now, I'm outside, in all kinds of weather. The purifier sits over in a corner of the office, unused. The exhaust fan is quiet and unused. The doors to the office are closed.
I sit forlorn.