I have always been under the impression despite what I know what people on this forum say, regarding pipe filters. A lot I learned from my Dad,(who used them) and his father before him. I use them as often as I can, fearing the tar and nicotine buildup in the stem and bad taste. However lately it seems that they are more harm than good. I mostly smoke fully bent pipes and notice that the crappy buildup is increasing especially around the filter. I cant seem keep the pipe fromtastingsour. I cleaned it, even did the salt/alcohol treatment. To live a little daring I took thefilter out and smoked it. Wow. First I am convinced now that the sour taste is a result of the filter. The smoke just doesn t get throuhg and leaves a tremendous build up around the filter. Yes I had to change my tecnique a bit. Also I hardly rotate pipes at all. What could happen? Now I do rotate them and they seem to smoke better. Of course I still have my favorite pipe. ANYONE"S COMMENT???