Apparently, I had a big stroke that I wasn't aware of. Only thing I recall was not being able to speak for an hour or so. Since then, I did cut down on nicotine and alcohol. I did stop pipe smoking. I'm sure I'm getting more nicotine due to leaning on cigs. But smoke less than 10 a day and I usually smoke half way. For whatever reason, idea of smoking continuously for 45 min or longer felt bad. So stopped pipe. The situation is improving. For awhile, had some speech problems. Occasionally forgetting how to talk and so on. Still have some issues, but better at managing it.
Honest truth is, I love tobacco too much to give it up. So, I did what I thought was best for myself. First thing I did was get rid of the neurosurgeon who bitched about smoking. Got a new neurosurgeon who understands I'm not quitting and willing to work around it. He suggests quitting, but he doesn't sound like a broken record. I understand smoking and drinking isn't helping, and I don't blame anyone one for the choice I made. But willing to cut down as much as I'm willing.
Now, if I drink two beer, I'm tipsy. At least I'm saving some of the beer money.
It's your life. You have to decide what needs to be done. No denying smoking is bad. If you feel strong about quitting, that will have to be. We only live once. You decide how soon you want to kick it.