Advice Please... Ex Smoker Wants to Take up a Pipe Again

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Jul 2, 2018
Hello Pipe enthusiasts,

I stopped smoking 20 years ago after a health scare having smoked cigs, cigars and pipes....I had a stressful job and tobacco got me through the day.

Lately I’ve been watching U tube videos... muttnchops etc and it has re awoken my love of pipe smoking.

I sold my extensive pipe selection and all smoking related articles, tobacco etc.

So, here’s the advice I need....

Assuming I decide to smoke a pipe again....what pipe should I buy (I used to mainly smoke Peterson Sherlock Holmes). I was a wet smoker and preferred the p.lip over the fishtail.

And what Tobacco should I buy...I used to favour a mellow cut plug like Gawith’s Coniston Flake, but that maybe too strong to start off with. I don’t like aromatics and what I used to call “fairy fart” blends.

Any advice please...including walk away and find another recreation, I don’t mind.
Edited by jvnshr: Title capitalization (please check Rule #9)



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Since you liked Peterson pipes, why not go back to something with which you are comfortable and familiar? Maybe look for an estate Peterson from a reputable online dealer like Briar Blues, Pulvers Prior Briar, or Smoking Pipes to find one already cleaned and ready to go at a fraction of the cost of a new one?
You might try Gawith Full Virginia Flake, or Savinelli Doblone d'Oro for that Malawi.



Feb 21, 2013
Assess your health issues and give them priority. It's easier to "quit" now than after you start enjoying pipes again. Your pipe and tobacco needs depend on so many considerations. You can do ably with a Missouri Meerschaum cob; I like the ones that come with an acrylic stem, but even the grab bag of seven seconds is fine. You may want to do briar or Meerschaum, and then you just need a price range and time to browse in person and online. Estates (used pipes) are more popular than ever and a savings. So many good non-aromatic tobaccos to choose from. Tins are great; bulk promptly jarred is excellent and money-saving; pouch is a good way to sample around. Do your health analysis first. Can you keep your smoking to a moderate level if you need to? Good luck. Questions are welcome here. Lots of expertise, general pipe smoking, tobacco blenders, pipe carvers, pipe brand specialists, and so on. Your situation illustrates the good advice; if you quit pipes keep at least a dozen or twenty, in case you resume your pipes. Welcome aboard.

Jul 28, 2016
Welcome to the forum Mr John Dale, speaking of pipes especially those of Peterson Brands, I wholeheartedly second what Mr SableBrush stated above, If You like Peterson brand it might be better solution to look for them estate Petersons or if money is not an obstacle then look for those higher end Petersons,based on my own experience with the lower end and entry level Petersons It might be advisable to leave them alone because of the varying manufacturing quality,or if you can inspect your pipe prior to buying that'll be the best choice,



Jun 26, 2016
Near Toronto, Ontario, Canada
If you think that the occasional pipe would lead to a cigarette, which would lead to more cigarettes, which would lead to 2-3 packs a day, stop now.
There is nothing wrong with pipe smoking in moderation though. I break out a pipe maybe 2 or 3 times a month and that's good for me.



Jul 2, 2018
Thanks for the welcome and the good advice. I am still cogitating.

I am confident that the odd pipe of tobacco wouldnt get me back on to cigarettes.

I’m retired now and mostly relaxed (if I stay out of the road of politicians!)

I want to recreate those lovely memories of sitting gently drawing on a fragrant tobacco slowly releasing its fragrance from a fine briar. Bliss!

I never saw Peterson’s as the be all and end all of pipes. A good pipe smoking friend always had Savinellis and my uncle smoked Dunhill white spots.

Even estate Dunhills command high prices, but I’ve got my eye on a couple of Savinelli Nonpareils on EBay.

As far as Tobacco goes, i’m Not going to chug on it like a young buck, so will probably buy a few different loose flakes and see what brings back memories..

Thanks again for the advice, folks...I appreciate your time



Dec 12, 2016
Welcome back to the hobby ... my advice? Look around the internet for a while. I am sure that the pipe offerings have changed quite a bit over the past 20 years - since you have given up smoking. I find that is a very good resource when buying tobacco. As for places where you can buy estates, I think a few names came up in some of the above postings.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Welcome to the forum!
If you are anywhere near a decent B+M tobacconist, I'd make that my first stop. And an estate Pete, Sav, Dunhill, are all good choices.

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