A bent pipe will have less leverage against your teeth, so whatever its size, it will feel lighter weight. Small pipes,
bent or straight, are easier to clench. (Some people aren't that sensitive to weight against their teeth. Brad just
wants plenty of bowl; it's his trademark.) Very small pipes are natural clenchers, and with flake tobacco you can
still get a good length smoke. Some of my good clenchers include: Peterson Rhodesian 999 (mine's a Killarney, but
they come in different series; BC bent billiard 1304 in various series; Dr. Grabow Royalton bulldog and many other
Grabows; many Stanwells including the Ivarsson shape 86 pot and the bulldog shape 32. Most of the Ewa line, at
Iwan Ries, are small and good clenchers. The Peterson Belgique is a Group 1 (small) and clenches well.