My perfectionator never stops zeroing in on things to perfectionize.
Last week I took a 1956 Dunhill shape 56 from my rack to snap a photo of its manufacture date to help someone determine if their Dunhill was from 19
56 or 19
When I did, I noticed I hadn't smoked it in years.
I thought about why, and realized it was because the stem/shank transition was clunky. Specifically, the shank was "bloated" and leveling at the time of manufacture had been done heavy handedly.
It was noticeable in profile, and outright wince-inducing when seen from above (though no photos of that... I didn't plan on making a thread out of this).
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What to do? Put the shank on a diet, of course. Reduce its diameter so it flows into the stem the way it should have to start with.
It's mucher gooder now, and smoking it is a pleasure. (It's being puffed on as I type)
Don't know why I didn't do it years ago. It's a fine smoking, friendly little guy.
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