Dear npod:
Data's Calabash here - when you mentioned that "my state just passed a hands-free driving law..." and then added in the same paragraph, that "...I have been told that it will also apply to pipe smoking since you cannot do that hands-free In the car..."
...just WHICH state do you live in, anyway?
In the Bay State (Massachusetts), a stiff law that ONLY restricts use of smartphones and cellphones for making calls and for TEXTING went into effect in 2017, but it seems that it's strictly limited to electronic devices, which I never use frequently, anyway; and ONLY when and while I'm parked somewhere, never while in motion with the car.
As for pipe smoking while in my car, the ONLY thing I'd ever do "behind the wheel" would usually be lighting up on a long car trip, and my briar would have to have been "first lit" in a rest area only. It's ONLY after I've charred all the leaf at the top of the bowlful that I'd even attempt to light-up while driving...and then ONLY with a one-hand-usable, slim-style refillable butane lighter, so at least one hand stays on the wheel at all times; as I know from experience that I'm not able to handle a larger-bodied, fluid-style pipe lighter (like my Zippo pipe lighter) with only one hand...that's ONLY for use in the rest area, and not out on the road while driving.
I'd also NEVER tolerate being "sheepled" by my state (or by anyONE) in any manner, for any reason...just look up the word "sheeple" in an online dictionary, and you'll find out just what I'm getting at.
I AM concerned about the recent legalization of cannabis (Ballot Question 4 in 2016's election) in the Bay State, though. As I'm SERIOUSLY allergic to anyone within my own "nose-shot" (to the point of involuntary "launching my lunch" kidding) from the stench of anyone polluting themselves with combustible cannabis of any sort, and indeed any ignorant "buttheaded" cigarette addicts I'm strictly a natural pipe mixture and occasional handmade Dominican cigar (Olor leaf filler) enthusiast, AND follow those aforementioned reasonable, self-imposed rules on enjoying my own briars while driving, I seriously doubt that any harassment over being a "briar guy behind the wheel" would ever be a problem here. The MA state bears (yep, the old 1970s CB lingo for the kind with badges) are not much of a problem, especially if one just makes certain they're strapped-in (secondary seatbelt law in MA, NOT a primary one!!) and are mostly looking for the cellphone/smartphone users that can often have NO hands on their steering wheels. Some of the "local" ones in towns like Sharon and Bridgewater, MA CAN be, from what I understand (Sharon is like a "people's republic", and Bridgewater has a sizable State University there) can be quite troublesome on things like that, but I make it a practice to stay OUT of those sorts of local communities.
I was just curious about what you meant about "my state just passed a hands-free driving law...", and not knowing which state you're living in currently, that's all!
Thanks in advance and Yours Sincerely,
Data's Calabash