Thanks Photoman. Baron, I am always up for a good read and am glad to have a good book suggested to me. I want to read that book Brew Or Die, you ever hear of :D it. Baron wrote it for those who didn't know!!!!
I wasn't going to post this but times have been really rough here. I haven't been able to find a job after I graduated college in December. Because of this money has been pretty tight and my relationship with my parents, grandparents, and my girlfriend have been rocky at best. I'm a pretty positive person and this feels like the test of a lifetime. It looks like I will be trying to get a job at a local McDonalds. That isn't entirely a bad thing but it just feels like I went to college for nothing. Makes me feel dead inside. I just want to say thank you all for giving me some happiness and getting things off my mind.
Thank you shawn for a great post.
I think that's the hardest thing to learn. Some things you can control, other things you can't. But accepting the ones you cannot is hard (I mean, by experience, really *&?%* hard, like losing a loved one).
Keep on shawn622! Cherish your child!
Great post Shawn. We all have our problems but see it could always be much worse. There is someone out there who does have it worse always. More power to you. Here is a song I worked on at our studio that always brightens my day. Peace.
That was awesome Winterland!!! I am a musician. Another member and I are going to be working on some material. I have FL Studio 10. It's a really simple format for making Electronic music. You can plug midi instruments in to it too. If you want in let me know. I will give you a copy of FL Studio if you want. Then you save your material and email it to me and I add to it. I love technology sometimes!!! thanks for the kind words guys!!!