In addition to the above blend suggestions, try using 9mm charcoal or balsa wood filters. The manufacturers claim that these remove a good chunk of the nicotine, and with the balsa wood filters in particular I personally find no loss of taste.
This link to the article by Eddie Gray of the Pipe Nook seems very helpful. I am not a huge fan of nicotine, either. My favorite blends seem to be more in the straight Virginia's or VaPer's. According to this list, the Perique in a VaPer may take it off of your list.From the inter web.
Oriental tobacco, including Latakia, typically contains the least nicotine. "It's not uncommon to see nicotine levels below one percent, which is really low." Nicotine is measured as a percentage of weight.
Looking for Lower Nicotine Pipe Tobacco Blends? Some Tips!
This blog was inspired by a YouTube viewer of mine who was looking for advice in finding tobacco blends that wouldn�t knock his socks off with Nicotine!
Also if you use the search feature here there are several long old threads along the lines of looking for low nicotine.
Good luck!
I can't take nicotine anymore -- it gives me anxiety. I haven't smoked the pipe or cigars for months because of it. But I miss the pipe so much, I am willing to try a last effort at finding a blend that doesn't give me a panic attack.
What is the absolute mildest blend in terms of nicotine (strength of flavor doesn't matter, indeed I like flavor) that at least contains either latakia or orientals, or both.
That has occurred to me also.. start with an inexpensive low-nic virginia like the MV-1000 and add some lat or oriental components from C&D to play around. I have a fine digital scale that I use for reloading, so I could mix up 2 bowls worth just to experiment with it... or I could start with that Pirate Kake I ordered if it's too much (75% Lat) and add the MV-1000 to it until it tones down to my satisfaction. I tend to like to piddle around with stuff like that even if I don't know what I'm doing.Velvet. Add Lat and Oriental as needed.
That's an awesome april fool's article... eininsteinium in the ignition source gives radiation resistance?Read this article and found it interesting. Hope it helps!
Ignition Sources and Nicotine |
The future of pipe smoking may rest with the materials used for its
I’m just hoping for more hair!That's an awesome april fool's article... eininsteinium in the ignition source gives radiation resistance?![]()
Counterpoint: I've had a few heart-racing "oh shit, that was too much!" moments after a toot as well. Someone with a little less composure than me could easily have had a panic attack.Having said that though, if a pipe is causing you panic attacks, then a pipe is not for you. Try snuff instead. Seville by Fribourg & Treyer is a mild & excellent snuff to start off with.
What Proteus said, or a smaller bowled pipe with filters as others have suggested. Also smoking slowly and not on an empty stomach. Sugary beverages are said to help with nic overload too.You might consider smoking less frequently. Nic stays in the body about 72 hours. Smoke every three days and perhaps smoke only a half bowl. Stop before you feel the effects.