Funny, your life events are matching up with some of my own. I am getting ready to wind up my own B&M jewelry store, as people are not going to store any more and everyone seems to be shopping online these days. I have been trying to justify paying commercial rent, commercial utilities, and I just cannot justify it any more. Most people aren't aware that commercial power and utilities is about 5-10 times as much as residential.
So, I am getting ready to lock the doors and move my studio into my house. It is bittersweet, but I am not going to miss most aspects of retail. I will be able to get more focused on making the things that I want to make, and I will still do bench work for a few other jewelry stores that don't have a bench jeweler on staff. Heck, I will most likely make more money by closing the store.
But, as people sync into their iPhones and computers even more, we will be a nation of empty retail stores and everyone staring at a device in their hands, or heads. But, I guess people want it that way. Heck, I even predict that in the not too distant future most of us will live in isolation from everyone else. Who will care that places don't allow smoking, if all of the places are closed. Just go top the APP and order your pizza and then Amazon up your groceries.
But, anyways, good on you for donating all of your tools. And, good wishes on the next part of your journey.