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Might Stick Around
Jun 7, 2011
I have no idea about Falcon pipe.Yesterday I have seen a nice one in a tobacco shop, but can't decide whether should I buy it or not.Just want to know few things about it:
1.Does it smoke cool?

2.Can it be clean like other pipes?

3.What is the specialty about a falcon pipe?

4.If there is any disadvantage of it please mention.



May 23, 2010
I inherited a Falcon pipe from my father. I find it cool to smoke. I use a tapered pipe cleaner and have no dramas. The best thing that I find is that the bowl can be unscrewed allowing moisture to be removed easy. If you buy a second (or third) falcon bowl, in whatever shape/finish you like, it will be more cost effective than owning 2 or 3 traditional pipes. There are 'traditionalists' out there who will 'can' the steel pipe, but at the end of the day you are smoking a through a briar bowl and I'm sue you will enjoy the experience. Mine is a great addition to my pipe arsenal..



Can't Leave
May 25, 2011
Falcon pipes are lightweight being made from aluminum. I've found that they smoke well also. As said, the bowl can be easily removed even during smoking to remove moisture. I however just cut a short piece of pipe cleaner and bend it in a circle and insert it in the trap under the bowl. This will soak up any moisture and lead to a nice dry smoke. They are also easily cleaned too. You can even wash the bottom portion in water if you like. They make good beat around pipes and I think everyone should give them a try at least once.
The only real drawback I can think of is that the stem isn't easily removable on them, making it hard to replace one when they get chewed. Also, most have a plastic bit which some don't like.



Jun 21, 2011
Falcon is My 1 pipe I love them smokes very good. I have 2 of them and one on the way should be here this week. I say to friends if You get one and don't like it I'll take it off Your hands. My old one is a 1950 and is still on the job. :worship: :clap:



Can't Leave
May 25, 2011
This thread got me thinking and right now I'm smoking one of my Falcon pipes. I haven't smoked one in a while and forgot how well they actually do smoke.
As said, extra bowls are a plus with these pipes and if your going out and about you can pack different bowls with different blends. Then coil a pipe cleaner and insert on top of the tobacco, this will keep it in the bowl. You can then pack these in a pocket or bag and just change the bowl for a new smoke.



Jun 21, 2011
Sager, if You don't like it give Me 1st shot at it,O.K. I'll take it off Your hands, can't do better than that now can You? :puffy:



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 12, 2011
Go for it. They smoke very well, cool and dry as they say. Just make sure the dry rings stay stocked up. Just make sure to clear it out inside regular with alcohol or pipe cleaning fluid. I'm planning to get a meerschaum lined bowl and a large bowl for mine soon.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 25, 2011
Having spoke to Ace regarding falcons i have got my wife to buy me for christmas. You can buy a gift box which comprises pipe rings, pipe cleaners, spare bowl and pipe with bowl in a box. This is definitely 1 for me to try for sure.



Jun 5, 2010
Cornelius, NC
with the aluminum catch basin under the bowl you really get to see how much moisture is in a bowl of aromatic baccy...this is about 1/8th of what usually is left in the bottom, as this was left from a bowl of English in my Quiet Comrade which is a similar design to the Falcon




Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 21, 2010
1. Does it smoke cool?

It can but that will depend on the smoker.
2. Can it be clean like other pipes?

I would say no because you can’t screw the bowl off a traditional briar pipe. The bit, shank, and inner side bowl are cleaned in the same manner as a regular pipe. The outer bottom bowl sits on top of that stuff shown in hobie1dog's pic above. This can just be wiped off with a paper towel and allowed to dry. The same paper towel can be refolded and used to wipe out the moisture in the aluminum bowl. Clean it with a folded pipe cleaner, Q-tip, or something similar. Some use the Falcon filters or home made from regular pipe cleaners but I don’t use either.

You do not want cake to build up in bottom hole of the briar bowl because the space between it and the aluminum stump is the only way to draw from your tobacco.
3. What is the specialty about a falcon pipe?

It was marketed as a cooler smoking pipe but as I’ve previously mentioned, not everyone will experience that because I didn’t in the beginning and that was due to my lack of technique. There are several other things I like about the Falcon.
• It’s a great travel pipe because you can unscrew the bowl and store it easily.

• This pipe is more rugged than most traditional pipes. If I fished, this is the pipe I would take.

• Cleaning is easier and more thorough.

• It gives a consistent and reliable smoke no matter what tobacco I’m smoking (this may be due to the bullet above). While some of my traditional briar pipes may give a better smoke, I can’t say every one of them smokes consistently every time.

• The shank does not have to rest between smokes because aluminum does not absorb moisture. After cleaning the shank from one smoke, you can screw on another bowl and fire it up, with no ghosting or sourness.

• Another advantage is you can buy one pipe stem and dedicate as many bowls to specific tobacco types or blends as funds will allow. If you want to be the Lonepiper, this is the only way to go.
4. If there is any disadvantage of it please mention.

The only disadvantage I can see are the aesthetics as some have mentioned. When I first saw the Falcon pipe in the 80s’, I thought, “wow that’s ugly, how could anyone want to smoke that?” Jump ahead 20 years and I now enjoy both my Falcons. Are they my favorite pipes? No. In the event I ever damaged or lost one, would I replace it? Yes, immediately.



Might Stick Around
Jun 7, 2011
Thank you so much, William..your tips are really helpful to me..and I decided to go and buy that as soon as possible.



Might Stick Around
Jun 7, 2011
@ ace57
It would have been my pleasure to give you a falcon pipe as a gift of friendship,Since I live in India,its rather difficult to send you one...but I would try....



Sep 15, 2011
The international stems are nice. I was toying wiht the idea of buying a falcon. It was to damn ugly. Then after seeing their international line of stems (the bent and straight) the idea has popped into my head again. Any of you Falcon owners use the international stems?
I do like the idea of prepacking several bowls, curling a chunk of pipe cleaner around in the bowl to keep it there.

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