Very interesting. Now, though, we will have to suffer those among us who will want to try out their newly enlarged vocabulary. I, for one, am looking forward to it. So I will smoke a bit of tobacco primarily from the Border Belt, some of which is no doubt dark air-cured.
Warren, the only way out is to invent new words, and use them with authority.
"Early on in the vesticating process, the newly fribbed leaves are bistratified into frells, which eventually, through emzomosatic action, will pertuate almost entirely. The quibs can then be color canted, tiffed and spun into maeloyos."
If the leaves are fribbed too early in the vesticating process they won't respond to the tiffing. When that happens the quibs will massurine and then the process needs to be refustimated pr you've pretty well lost the entire inventory (Boy! This really makes the spell checker work overtime.) Unless, of course, your main fribber is very skilled in hysterpestcotomy. If you should be so lucky as to have one of them working in the prismasystene you just might save the fribbed leaves.
Frammerchicking Woodsroad. Coming from you, that's high plastulance!
I do have to stop this though. My spellchecker has walked out on me and that's a real schtomovitch.