I thought I'd share a story about two bulldogs that recently came through my shop.A member of the Dr. Grabow Collectors Forum contacted me, he wanted me to make a tamper from from his Bulldog pipe. Although I had never made a tamper from a Bulldog I said sure-I'll give it a shot. The pipe went into the mail. This one-
In the mean time some of us here at PM had decided to do a tamper swap. I was to get one from Jason. In a few days a box shows up and in it is two pipes,one is a Bulldog,the other a billiard. I mistakenly assumed they were from the Grabow guy. They weren't.Seems there was a little mix up and I got some pipes that Jason had rusticated for clanobucklin,and a very nice job he did on them! This was Charles' Bulldog.
After I cut up Charles pipe I get to thinking about that extra pipe. So I contact the Grabow guy,ain't his. OH s***!! So I contact Jason and find out about the shipping mix up. A day or so later the Grabow guys pipe shows up!
Charles was very understanding although I'm sure he would have rather had his pipe,not a tamper and a shankless bowl. Here's the finished tampers-- Charles tamper is on the right.
In the mean time some of us here at PM had decided to do a tamper swap. I was to get one from Jason. In a few days a box shows up and in it is two pipes,one is a Bulldog,the other a billiard. I mistakenly assumed they were from the Grabow guy. They weren't.Seems there was a little mix up and I got some pipes that Jason had rusticated for clanobucklin,and a very nice job he did on them! This was Charles' Bulldog.
After I cut up Charles pipe I get to thinking about that extra pipe. So I contact the Grabow guy,ain't his. OH s***!! So I contact Jason and find out about the shipping mix up. A day or so later the Grabow guys pipe shows up!
Charles was very understanding although I'm sure he would have rather had his pipe,not a tamper and a shankless bowl. Here's the finished tampers-- Charles tamper is on the right.