A Smoking Interest Call From My Doctor

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Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 17, 2014
This is a new one on me. I was replying to a post on this forum just a few minutes ago when I get a phone call from an unknown number. I don't usually answer such calls but perhaps because I was preoccupied I answered it this time.
The result was what I consider to be a bizarre conversation with the nurse from my General Practitioners. She started the conversation by saying it was a call to update their records. This was followed by the revealing of the agenda of the call. She asked if I was still a smoker and if so how many did I smoke a day. My reply was that I have now switched to smoking the pipe. The lady then proceeds to ask if I had any plans to give up. No! Absolutely not I said.
She then goes through the seemingly well rehearsed drill of "help here if you need it" Blah Blah.
I thanked her for the interest in my lifestyle choices but assured her that I am well catered for with information about smoking both from the government and the fine people here :lol: Well I did not mention this place in all honesty but you get my drift.
I did mention however that I was struggling with some other lifestyle choices such as what colour to paint my living room since my girlfriend had left and also that bed sheet sizes were somewhat baffling to me.
Thankfully she laughed and got my sense of humour. (This is something many people struggle with) She is a nice woman and I am familiar with her. Well she is very nice when she takes my blood anyhow. Tis the only time I have ever met the woman. Bloody vampire problem in my city you see.
Now here is the question and this is aimed and anyone in the know here in the UK. Is the government offering incentives to local GP's regarding getting people to give up smoking?. May be I am getting cynical in my developing years but its the only logical reason I can come to for such a probing phone call regarding this issue.
Regards all

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Mar 12, 2014
In my limited experience, all doctors always mention smoking and none of them seem to differentiate between 60 a day ciggie addicts and 4 bowls a days pipe aficionados. My tobacco bill per week is under ten euros so I don't feel I'm damaging my wallet either.
I had a surprise though when I went for a dental check-up, years ago now, and she said "Oh, I see you smoke a pipe." WTveryF?!



Aug 10, 2010
Cheshire, CT
My doctor actually comes to my house (best friend, and all that,) picks a pipe off my rack, fills it with his choice of tobacco, and sits and smokes along with me. He says that the business about smoking is much overstated. He's no fan of cigarettes, mind you, but feels that pipe smoking is a healthful, relaxing pastime. He's also wild about Molto Dolce. Guess it's the MD thing. :)



Dec 24, 2010
North Carolina
The Health Insurance folks here are setting up a points system to determine your rate.You get points deducted for not doing things.Not being over weight,and not smoking are two examples.The fewer points you have the lower your rate will be.



Mar 19, 2013
Interesting . . . The last time my wife went to the doctor she was asked if we had guns. She just looked at them and proceeded to describe her medical symptoms.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 25, 2012
I have recently had a check up because it has been 5 years since I went to the doctors, they asked to list what type of tobacco I used, but there was no space for pipe so assumed I should just leave the whole section blank. The same paperwork asked if I wore a seat belt and if I owned guns. At this point I brought the paperwork back to the nurse and told her I would only fill out medical information. She was nice enough about it and eventually picked through and gave me the relevant paperwork. Havnt heard anything else from them about it.



Oct 15, 2013
@apatim said:
Why on earth would your doc want to know if you have guns???
It's for the same reason they ask about "illicit drug use" and sexual preferences. All that information is available in a national database. But don't worry. Your privacy is protected. :D
Pylorns had a very summation of why this information is being collected:
To sum up:

1. Providers are being paid (and required )to collect your smoking [and other health] information.

2. Providers are being paid (and required) to upload your PHI (personal health information) to a repository online where others can access.

3. Providers that don't do meaningful use will be penalized for not doing it.
And Yes, I work in the medical industry. And the law actually came from the stimulus package back in 2008/2009.
Here's the thread it came from: Nicotine Detection in Blood



May 11, 2012
I'm thinking now that she knows your GF has left you might be getting another call from her.. :)



Dec 14, 2013
What on freaking earth does someone owning a gun have to do with ones medical profile!

In my years I've seen more than my share of doctors and I've come to the conclusion (OBVIOUSLY) that the health care system has become beyond absurd and that most (not all of course) doctors are total idiots that are sucked into the system and looking for the quick buck and the easy way out. Hey... that felt good and sorry for my rant.
Other than that, I'm also an MD; Molte Dolce freak. ;)



Nov 18, 2013
This is insane. Without knowing how much someone smokes, the info is meaningless from a diagnostic or prognostic point. The same is true with drinking. And owning guns? Are you f'in serious? I can see these questions on a life insurance application, but not in a medical history.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 3, 2014
My doc didn't ask if I owned a gun. He only said if I didn't own a gun he would write me a prescription for one. I love Texas.......

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Jan 31, 2011
What on freaking earth does someone owning a gun have to do with ones medical profile!
There has been plenty of chatter for quite a while now about gun ownership being a “public health issue”. In fact, this is the position of the current nominee for Surgeon General.
IMO, this will increasingly be the primary method by which such things are “regulated”. In the future, only the very wealthy will be able to afford the insurance costs associated with such things as tobacco and alcohol use, gun ownership, etc.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 25, 2012
Trail boss that is getting pretty close to crossing the line of "politics" which as we all know isn't allowed. I do want to clarify for you guys though this isn't the doctors meeting in dark rooms and scheming, the scheming is done in congress and the doctors are forced to comply, they in no way profit. I actually live next to a private practice doctor who says he barley makes his mortgage payment, idk how true that is but I trust the guy.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 25, 2012
Please never, ever, reference what the nazis did to anything the American government has or is doing. I understand the Reference and how the exaggeration shows your point but it's not fair for the families that were affected to compare torture and death to answering personal questions.
I didn't mean to point you out as the one crossing the line trail boss your name was just on the bottom of the forum posts, and yes doctors can go against some of what the government requests but they are hit with fines or less tax breaks or less reimbursement for Medicare. Doctors do not make as much as we imagine them to, not suffering by any means, but not rich either.



Aug 21, 2013
With specific reference to the UK it may depend where you live, which region or even NHS England and Wales.
I am a hospital doctor in Scotland.
My GP is also my best friend, so I will ask him next week.
GP's get inducements for meeting all sorts of other 'targets' - costs the NHS a fuiken fortune!!!

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