LOL!!! :mrgreen:Brush your toofs and you'll no longer instantly melt vulcanized rubber.
You may be able to ask, here's their website and the contact info is listed as
Just out of curiosity do you want to know out of allergy concerns? (I was a chef and that's a regular question.)
Thanks for the link. I'll go check it out.
No, I'm just concerned with the type of oils used. Is it plant based vs petroleum based. I'm a label reader. Right down to the type of vitamin E. Dl-alpha-tocopherol is a petroleum based oil whereas D-alpha-tocopherol is a plant based oil when looking at vitamin E oils. Like I used to tell my students "You wanna get the L outta there!"
I'm not a purist by any means. But I do want to know what I'm ingesting or absorbing.