Why do so many pipe companies use strictly acrylic stems and relatively few use vulcanite? Most of the artisan pipe makers use vulcanite so why not bigger companies. I have noticed that almost every Italian maker use only acrylic. Is it just as simple as cost per stem? Is it harder to make vulcanite stems?
Those of you who restore pipes, I am pretty sure you guys would rather see an acrylic stem on a pipe rather than vulcanite as they are simple to restore. Do pipe smokers in general stay away from vulcanite because of ease of care? There are so many pipes I would buy if they had vulcanite stems. Is it just old guys like me whose teeth hurt from plastic the only ones who care about vulcanite?
Those of you who restore pipes, I am pretty sure you guys would rather see an acrylic stem on a pipe rather than vulcanite as they are simple to restore. Do pipe smokers in general stay away from vulcanite because of ease of care? There are so many pipes I would buy if they had vulcanite stems. Is it just old guys like me whose teeth hurt from plastic the only ones who care about vulcanite?