I'm pretty confused at this point. I definitely don’t understand the import of what the C&D person was saying. There’s got to be something left to taste then.
What’s to be confused about? Once the oils are gone, the tobacco will never offer what it once could; dried tobacco can be rehydrated and made smokable, but that doesn’t mean it will provide what it once might have.
There are different aspects to enjoying an aged or old tobacco, and this is where things get really subjective. For me, the novelty of being able to smoke stuff from almost a hundred years ago in a hundred year old pipe was fun and a great experience. Was the tobacco tasty? Not particularly. It was old, maybe a bit musty. But, the experience made up for a lot.
Some tobaccos that are well kept might improve with age—this is where YMMV and why people enjoy ten year old Virginias.