Excessive use of acronyms is a big personal pet peeve to me also. As a long time technical writer, designing, developing and writing computer training, you want to put the work in to make it easier for the reader to understand. Write to reduce the reader's workload, not add to it.
It's the same reason one wants to use proper spelling, punctuation and grammar. Format your writing to make it easy to read.
Psychologists will tell you 80% or so of communication is non-verbal, with the written word you lose that 80%, making your grammar and formatting even more important. Put the work in to make it easy to read, and don't make new members have to wonder or ask what PAD (Pipe Acquisition Disorder) and TAD (Tobacco Acquisition Disorder) are.
Excessive use of acronyms and not using your best grammar and spelling is saying you don't think communication is important. I do think communication is important.
You don't have to own the fanciest clothes but, when you're on a public forum as a representative of the ever more demonized smoking community, wear the best ones you have.