I hope that answers the question.Unauthorized PipesMagazine.com Merchandise
5. We cannot have unauthorized production of any type of goods or services with the PipesMagazine.com name on them.
PipesMagazine.com is copyrighted intellectual property.
Anything that is developed, produced, marketed or distributed with the PipesMagazine.com name or likeness must either be owned by or licensed by Right Click Media, LLC and authorized by Kevin Godbee.
Kevin authorized the PM Meer. At the time he authorized it, Storient Meerschaum was a sponsor.But there is a PM POY? PM POY, PM tobacco blend, I'm confused, what's the difference?
I was going to suggest a choco-vanilla-cherryberry cavendish, but Black House will do...If the Blackbloods have our way, the official PM blend would be Black House!
No he isn't. I read on another thread that he is cutting his advertising budget some. Hopefully he will be back soon but only time will show.so is storient no longer a sponsor?
My finger is squarely on the pulse of this forum, and this blend will please all.That choco- vanilla- cranberry does sound pretty good !!