Quickie review:
It has been a while since I've lit up an Oriental, this comes as a pleasant change of pace. The 965 is not in-your-face with the floral-incense flavor, though it is the main player. I'm getting a reservedly sweet and woody taste, pretty steady throughout the bowl. I'm too lazy to check, but it tastes like there is Burly in here.
The mixture is gentle on the palate, a nice introduction to Latakia if you've not tried it yet or a good way to take a break from VaPers if you don't want overpowering florals in your pipe.
It has been a while since I've lit up an Oriental, this comes as a pleasant change of pace. The 965 is not in-your-face with the floral-incense flavor, though it is the main player. I'm getting a reservedly sweet and woody taste, pretty steady throughout the bowl. I'm too lazy to check, but it tastes like there is Burly in here.
The mixture is gentle on the palate, a nice introduction to Latakia if you've not tried it yet or a good way to take a break from VaPers if you don't want overpowering florals in your pipe.