Of course we would, as we would for any supplier of pipe tobacco. I like to joke about these things, like oh I'm so mad, and STG is the evil empire, but that's just silly. STG can decide to run its business any way it wants to. As long as there are alternatives, and there still are at the present, I'll just roll with the changes.Just a random musing, feel free to ignore, but would we all be kicking up the same fuss if it was STG who was taken over and closed down?
My reaction is to stock up modest quantities of Mac Baren and Sutliff products, and move on. I'm not building up a lifetime supply of Mac Baren HH blends because I have no good idea what a lifetime is for me. For now I can still choose others, like Gawith, C&D, GLP, etc. What @telescopes recommended in post #274 is a sensible, rational approach.