First off, hiya, readix, welcome from upstate SC; VERY glad to have you here!
taking it to heart, but most of all, taking some good natured ribbing.
Normally my reaction to that would be to put some snark on my good pal Mike, just on General Principles. However in this case I won't, since what he says is 100% troo trufe about 99.9%+ of the membership here. Serious joshing [Yes, I did say that.

] is usually the rule here, especially amongst people who've developed devilish relationships with each other. The Brothers of the Black Frigate are especially *especially* bad about that. }
The statement following will cover nearly all technique scenarios: Some people will tell you AAAAA about [packing, lighting, puffing, charring-light, cleaning, cake, etc., etc.], & equally as many will tell you ZZZZZ. Nearly EVERY position here will have advocates for/against on both sides of it. Just about the only first-best-rule is to experiment & find what works best for *you*, & go with that.

Me, I fall on the butane, some-cake, pipe-cleaners-till-they-come-out-clean, no-need-to-wash/paper-towel/baby-wipe-after-every-bowl, school of thought. And I guarantee there are at least 5 people who will tell you the exact opposite.
So basically, "take your best hold" & go from there. And NEVER worry about asking too many questions. Like Mike said, we were all noobs once. NOW, if you need a list of whose advice to trust implicitly, here's a very short list, just a couple:
Warren, jpmcwjr, mso489, sablebrush54, chasing embers, jaytex, anthonyrosenthal, Cosmic, craiginthecorn, crashthegrey, scloyd, npod, olkofri, fishnbanjo, pipestud, hoosierpipeguy, carolinachurchwarden, mikethompson, paul, workman, bnichols23...... [gasp wheeze choke choke choke]
There are a whole bunch of others, but I didn't want to hit you with overkill. -evyl grin- again, welcome!!
