Here's Marc Dion's take on the PC re-write of "Twas the Night Before Christmas".
A Liberal Stands Up For Santa
A Liberal Stands Up For Santa
Very well said. Thank you, Jud.I agree with the guy.
Just because you're politically left of center - and I am - does not mean you like busybodies, and that's what this lady is. I don't like "liberal" busybodies any more than I like "conservative" busybodies.
:rofl:I went to Vegas with my lawyer. We wanted to find the American dream. It was fun but the dream has died.
HMMmmm,maybe we should be burning these awful books :evil:
The word comes from Thomas Bowdler, who published a "family" edition of Shakespeare that was "more suitable for women and children" in the early 19th century. "Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose." (The more things change, the more they stay the same.)to expurgate (as a book) by omitting or modifying parts considered vulgar