This cellering concept is quite an American thing. I do not wish to discredit it, by any means, on the contrary. What I am trying to say though is that in Europe we lack the culture in as far as cellering, or at least in as far as I know. I am quite travelled around the old continent with the exception of Scandinavia. Perhaps over there people cellar, and I believe that they have an overall pipe smoking culture above other european countries. In my neck of the woods we have inherited the pipe smoking habbit (as back in the day it was considered just that - not to call it vice, and definitely not a hobby) from the Austrians. Today you can still see older men smoking pipe in designated places in Vienna, but that's pretty much it. The further you go east the less likely it is to meet a pipe smoker. I understand from my father that even in the 70s and 80s pipe smoking was rare, and it was usually associated with the upper classes. Well .. so to speak because all of us were proletarians during the communist times, but like George Orwell wrote .. some animals are more equal than others. For me, germany was and is the measurement unit for pipe smoking, both in terms of tobacco supply, and people enjoying the hobby. In fact that is the only place where I can have a live conversation with another fellow pipe smoker, as in romanian I am the only pipe smoker in between timisoara and Bucharest (well this is maybe an exageration, there is a guy working for the ministry of culture in my town but we rarely meet, and i have two "apprentices" that I have turned on to the pipe, but again time doesn't allow us to meet much). This being said, I have started cellering at first solely with the idea of hoarding tobacco that is otherwise very difficult to procure in my geographic region. The taste benefit of ageing was for a long time a secondary purpose of the process. I guess much won't change around here .. sometimes I wonder what will become of my pipe inheritance once, hopefully many years from now, I will pass.