My wife's recent CPAP supplies shipment left Bedford NH, and spent 5 days in Jamaica NY for some reason (to please DeJoy) before coming along to Greene ME.
I sent a very dear friend of mine a Warrior Plug along with a religious seasons greeting card in a USPS 2 Day Priority box. Anyone who has ever been on the receiving end of one of my packages knows that they come taped to the max with a very neatly typed label addressed to the recipient. To date I have never lost a package that I have sent someone by Priority Mail until now. It seems that instead of stealing the package the local postman has developed a taste for smoking 'Road Tar' plugs which in essence is what a Warrior Plug is in the final analysis. My friend sent me this picture of what was in his mail box from me! Not satisfied with nicking the plug they also made off with the Hanukkah card as well! I hope this person spends eternity in hell emptying ash trays.
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If a claim is filed, USPS will likely state that was the case and deny any claim. That has been my experience.I’m guessing someone stole the goods from the mailbox.
Did you hear the one about the Amazon delivery driver who got frustrated in December and dumped several containers of packages along the side of a road? I can't remember where but a police officer on patrol found the containers and took them back to the Amazon delivery hub. A couple of days later the driver turned himself in.My guess is that the box tore in the sorting machinery and the tobacco got lost.
You guys all think very highly of pipe tobaccos and pipes. But, absolutely no one who doesn't smoke a pipe would give a f@ck about a pipe nor pipe tobacco.
The idea that someone stole it, yet delivered or left the empty box just doesn't jibe with human nature. The idea that a postal worker would steal a cheap plug of tobacco, risking his job and livelihood for what most people would think of as a $2 hunk of chaw, doesn't jibe with human behavior also.
Now, some postal worker having a break with reality and throwing a truckload of boxes of a bridge makes more sense to me.
@Briar Lee : I suspect that the box was torn open by some miscreant once it was delivered to the mailbox. Apparently in this area there are a lot of 'Meth Heads' who will steal anything that is not nailed down. I am in total agreement with you about the Postal Police, another example of short sighted penny pinching. No doubt the next step will be to privatize the post office or something worse. I swear I must be our local USPS best customer since living in an analog world I still write letters to people!
Did you hear the one about the Amazon delivery driver who got frustrated in December and dumped several containers of packages along the side of a road? I can't remember where but a police officer on patrol found the containers and took them back to the Amazon delivery hub. A couple of days later the driver turned himself in.
If a claim is filed, USPS will likely state that was the case and deny any claim. That has been my experience.
@Briar Lee : Interesting story from a different age!