A Funny Thing Happened On My Way To The Forum(via the doctor's office)

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Dec 7, 2011
The strangest thing happened yesterday at my family doctor’s office. I was having a “required wellness physical”, involving a megalithic monotony of “enhanced interrogations” and form-filling-outing ad infinitum, ad nauseam… health surveys, “risk assessments”, etc etc etc etc (And do you have your living will in order?)
Finally it came, as I knew it would. The Question was (at the very head of a veritable fuster cluck of alcohol imbibing, recreational illicit illegal drug using, at risk sexual behavioring [like I wish, mon], deep-fried fat food eating, etc etc etc etc): “Do you smoke cigarettes, cigars, pipes, or use tobacco in any form regularly?”
Well… ahem… define “regularly”? Ah did NOT, have sayex, with that woman!! Anyways, I have this thing about honesty and integrity. This is the first time they re-asked the question in the last 6 years of my re-taking up the pipe. I’ve been told to lie about his by others… save yourself the heartache of the constant badgering… save yourself from the over bearing, overweening and contemptuous insurance thugs, save yourself from governmental goonie-men and bullies, etc etc.
So, I circled the word “pipe” and scribbled in “irregularly only”, which truly is the gospel truth. (Although irregularity troubles me daily some weeks… but some, not at all!!)
The intake-nurse read down all the questions, verifying/clarifying my reponses. “Like: blablablablablablablablablablablabla, check, dot. blablablablablablablablablablablabla, check, dot. blablablablablablablablablablablabla, check, dot.”
She came to The Pipe Question: “blablablablablablablablablablablabla, check, dot.” And she did nary raise a brow nor snarc a smirk. Nuttin… just movin’ on! Wow! I was stunned. But she is not the Big Gun there, he was coming in next with his rubber glove (or whatever non-allergenic, non-cancer-causing, non-biohazardous crap they make those out of now), Vaseline(or whatever non-petroleum-based, non-allergenic, non-cancer-causing, non-biohazardous crap they use for that nowadays), and similar accouterments to your basic “wellness physical”. Back to the nurse. “Oops, you’re due for a tetanus today!” Drat! “Do you want pertussis with that?” (Seriously, that is exactly what she said!) No, just two fingers of tetanus and one ice. Omg, why did I have to say TWO fingers. Anyways, if you answer ANYTHING remotely yes for tobacco, their damned computer literally RED FLAGS the bejeezus out of it. So there it was, first item, on Dr. Big Gun’s rundown sheet, red flags and all.
I brace myself. Me and this doc have been associated for almost 40 years, he has delivered all three of my now adult children, I have indeed been lectured, scolded, pontificated upon, cajoled, sometimes coerced… all in fairness and righteousness, you understand. I accept responsibility for my many stupidies. I hold my breath… he reads. He reads on. He reads until I KNOW he is well past The Tobacco Question. Blessed and praised be!! Same as the nurse… nary a raised brow, nor snarc, nor smirk, nor nada nothing no how! Yes, Virginia(s)(and VaPers, and Balkans, and Kentuckians, and Morton Frogs, and and and!!!), there IS a Santy Claws!!!! I walked out of there free as a bird!! I just had to share this with The Forum here!! It was just too good not to share… as purt near ALL of us have been badgered out there for our pipe-y pleasures, at least to some extent.
Finally, I thought it is interesting to note, that there were NO instantly observable smoking “symptoms” in my body… even with sometimes irregularly smoking a pipe daily. My lungs were indistinguishable from a non-smoker’s. The only outward and visible sign of inward and invisible smoking sins are apparently tobacco stains on the back of my teeth.(which I can’t see and neither can anyone else… except the snarky lady at the dentist’s orifice with that hinky little bent mirror thingie… but that’s another story.)



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
My doctor is impressed with my breathing and lung capacity since I switched from cigarettes to the pipe. But, he also knows that I will answer that I do not smoke on anything the insurance companies will see. I figure if I get lung cancer anyways, I can blame it on the 40+ years of coffin nails. If I get mouth cancer, I will just roll with it as it comes. Plus, my doctor is an occasional cigar guy, just like most of them are. We have a few surgeons who smoke pipes in our area as well.
In college the pre-med students were the ones stressing out and doing all of the heavy drinking and chain smoking, so it only makes sense that there will be many in the profession that indulge and understand the human predicament. Nurses... phhhht, they are usually the busybodies of the medical field.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
That's was a wonderfully funny read!

It didn't seem to be as 'long' as it looked, in fact it had me looking forward to the next sentence.

Just this week, I myself, have been to my cardiologist's and today my dentist.

The cardiologist didn't HARP on my smoking a pipe but said that inhalation was impossible to avoid.

I gave him that point. So far, the Medicare doesn't penalize me for pipe smoking.

Now, today, it wasn't really the dentist I saw, but the hygienist.

He said my teeth had less stains than the last time!

I told him it was probably due to the new levels of moderation I apply to my lifestyle since becoming a pipe smoker. (not really, but I did say that I had reduced my coffee intake dramatically)



Feb 13, 2015
Vis-a-vis providing information that will be forwarded to medical insurers (and by extension, the government that now controls them): I feel it is fair to extend the same level of honesty to them as they do to us.



Feb 21, 2013
Interesting. Countervailing the usual doctrine about tobacco, I think there is a current mode of thought among physicians that they don't want to be the lifestyle police. My doctor who is doing a good job of keeping me from being diabetic gave me a little talk about going ahead and having the occasional cookie or cake, just keep it as a special treat. At least some medical discussion centers on the idea that they are treating human beings not paradigms of virtue.



Jan 14, 2012
Southwest Louisiana
My Dr is a young man, in his 30s, name is Bradley like mine, Reader, likes the same kinds of Books I read, sees my wife as a patient. I believe he as adopted us as old Uncle and Aunt. He is used to my short cryptic answers, in one occasion at a yearly wellness exam, he says Smoke? I say Where, he looks , I say call the Fire Deptmsrt if you see Smoke. Wife butts in, he's always like that. He shakes his head and says you're worse than my Dad and he was a Marine. I tell him What do you get when you breed a Marine with a Gorilla? He gets ready for it, says hit me with it, I say a retarded Gorilla. He chuckles and says Dad won't like this one. :laughat:



Sep 14, 2015
Glad you got out of there with no over the top BS. My experiences at medical facilities have been better of late than the previous 30 years. I think computers help a lot. Nurses use to have to chart everything in handwriting. (I really hated doing that part) The old joke about doctor's handwriting looking like chicken scratchings is an insult to chickens. None of my doctors have given a rat's petute about my smoking a pipe. I was only told once when I was about 25 and still smoked cigs to quit.
To those who have trouble at the doctor's office. I can only offer my sympathy and counsel patience as a virtue and to arm yourself with knowledge. The current paradigm makes money from illness and suffering for drug companies and hospitals alike. A positive reinforcement for negative outcomes. This is slowly changing. When doctors and nurses are paid to keep people WELL, things will improve dramatically. I have three doctors... A primary, a neurologist and a pain specialist. I am currently training all three, but the pain specialist I've had for years and is nearly always with me or ahead of me knowledge-wise and we have great exchanges. I got him a couple weeks ago when I told him that dried ginger root inhibits the formation of histamine and is the reason I do not suffer from allergies. We marveled at the plant extract beginnings of modern pharmacology then he handed me my scripts, which I wouldn't need if I lived fifteen miles away in Michigan. I'm working on that part. My rant is over. :D



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 13, 2014
Michigan, USA
I work as a software engineer at an insurance company. My wife and I pay an additional $100 per month each on our health insurance because.we use tobacco. We get a $100 discount I we attend a tobacco cessation program. Don't worry, it's coming your way too and they just want to know for now.



Jul 21, 2015
My doctor who is doing a good job of keeping me from being diabetic gave me a little talk about going ahead and having the occasional cookie or cake, just keep it as a special treat.
The middle path. One of the best concepts from Buddhism.



Dec 7, 2011
Wow, what a catalog of wild experiences! I guess the thing that threw me this time was that I was fully expecting assault and diatribe... and at least sort of self-prepared for it. I was raised like a lot of us here... you respected and were properly deferential to your "superiors": parents, teachers, doctors, police, etc., which meant "Yes, Sir/Ma'am", "No Sir/Ma'am"; "No excuse, Sir/Ma'am" or you got "cuffed up da back da haid witta a 2x4" as one of my father's associates put it. And even now, as mature career people or whatever, there is still this "thing" to a lot of us to bite the tongue and "take it" without sassing back, even if we might have more cogent perspectives or different ideas. It was just such a pleasant surprise to be free of all that for one short, serendipitous moment!! My pipes were SO HAPPY for me!!! And me for them!
And we're all in this together, and that middle way always looks pretty good to me... or like the feller on here with the signature quote about "all things in moderation, including moderation!" YeeHaw!!!! Forward!!!



Oct 15, 2013
According to what I've read somewhere, (possible here) if you use tobacco four or fewer times a week you are classified as a "nonsmoker". That just about fits me so that's what I answer on those forms.
I have informed my dentist about my pipe smoking and he does a oral cancer screening as part of my checkup. I don't have dental insurance and they don't use electronic medical records at that office so I have no worries being truthful there.
One problem I did encounter recently at my company's employee health office was when the RN asked me if I had used any tobacco products in the last six months. I answered, "What if I told you I had a cigar at my niece's wedding last week?" She told me that if I said that I'd be "offered" a tobacco cessation class. At that point I declined to answer. I don't have the company insurance so they couldn't force it on me anyway.
I sure miss the days when the boss would pass out cigars at staff meetings. Gone forever.



Part of the Furniture Now
May 3, 2012
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
When my doctor of 20 years retired last year, he recommended two different family doctors. The first was a young East Asian woman and the other was a 50 year old South Afrikaner - with probably many of the same life experiences as me, older, well traveled etc. I was very sure I wanted the man as my doctor but the fly in the ointment was that I had heard that he was only accepting a few of my old guy's hundreds of patients. I went, hat in hand, and seemed to be doing okay in the face to face interview with the new guy until he asked me if I smoked. I didn't want to lie so I just said, "Not cigarettes." He looked up from his chart with a strange look and said, "Pot?". I laughed and said, "No, a pipe, with pipe tobacco." He got an even stranger look on his face and said, "What kind of pipe tobacco and where do you get it?" Apparently, I lucked onto the only pipe smoking doctor in my small city and he was having trouble finding pipe tobacco. So, next time I went in, I donated a few small mason jars out of my cellar and voila! a new doctor. Especially sweet is that he doesn't care if I smoke, doesn't make a note of it and I found a fellow pipe smoker in the bargain.



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
I made it very simple with my doctor. I told him that we would not ever discuss my pipe and cigar smoking nor my drinking habits. I refuse to answer the questions that have noting to do with my current health status. I see the doc twice a year and, overall, my health is good for an old guy. I don't need or want lectures. I told him that I know more old drunks than I do old doctors. Of course, he's only about 40 so he has a lot to learn.



Staff member
Sep 4, 2015
Baku, Azerbaijan



Can't Leave
Jan 25, 2015
That was a funny read. My doctor asked me once if I smoked. I said yes to the cigars and pipes. His response...At least its not cigarettes. He's more against drinking.



Dec 14, 2015
Funny read! It gave me something to think about, though. It really isn't anybody's business what I do. I may stop admitting this to the doctors / insurance companies. Just one more invasion of privacy.



Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
Have you been to in for an eye exam latelY? You are immediately handed a two page form filled with health questions to provide a complete medical history to them, including smoking. When I got to the smoking one I wrote No. Cigarettes are bad for your health.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 7, 2012
Had my annual checkup last Sept. I have a new doc who, I swear, was an underclassman to Doogie Howser. When it came to the tobacco question, which I had skipped, he asked if I smoked. I responded, "Pipe or cigar, off and on." It's true: I usually don't smoke when I'm asleep, and not continuously during the day: off times. Anyway, he said something like, "It's better if you don't at all, but it's good you don't smoke cigarettes." "Never have", my reply.
Last month, when I got a new flight physical (different doc), at the end of the exam, the doc said he would need to see a copy of the chart notes from my Sept. physical, something new. When I got a copy of the notes, I kept a copy for myself. When I looked it over, I was surprised at the things written up. "Patient advised to stop smoking." "Patient advised to improve diet, increase exercise, and lose weight". Etc. The weight issue was really just a comment that I had put on 5 pounds in the past year. Funny how the CYA practice has crept into even the most routine situations.

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