Memphis Tennessee
The land of 80% or more humidity for at least 9 months. No B&M. Just glass pipes and the rankest smelling Tinder Box in all the nation.
On a high note, plenty of opportunities for defensive shooting situations. Beware the prepared man.
Oh and the supersized Bass ProShop in the Pyramid downtown is pretty awesome. Plus a chance to reload!
My slice of heaven!
Intentional mild sarcasm applicable sometimes.
Especially the last 2 lines.
The land of 80% or more humidity for at least 9 months. No B&M. Just glass pipes and the rankest smelling Tinder Box in all the nation.
On a high note, plenty of opportunities for defensive shooting situations. Beware the prepared man.
Oh and the supersized Bass ProShop in the Pyramid downtown is pretty awesome. Plus a chance to reload!
My slice of heaven!
Intentional mild sarcasm applicable sometimes.
Especially the last 2 lines.