A few tips on Aromatics

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Jan 21, 2012
Nova Scotia, Canada
I'm looking for a little advice regarding aromatic tobaccos. I'm a very novice pipe smoker. I'm going to try to stick with aromatics and learn how to smoke them properly. I think they suit my taste as I love sweets, and really enjoy the aroma.
My first bowl of baccy was Captain Black Gold. I knew nothing about drying,packing,lighting,or tamping. I had pretty good success considering. The tobacco stayed lit fairly well, had some flavor and a great aroma. It was quite enjoyable.
My 2nd bowl (last night)was EA Careys Grandma's Apple Pie. I know I should have let it dry longer than I did, but I got excited. I had a hard job keeping it lit, which I know is common with aromatics. My biggest concern however is that the tobacco had no flavor and a very weak, plain, aroma. I understand that it may take some time to be able to notice suttle flavors during smoking, but shouldn't the aroma be noticeable from the beginning? As silly as it sounds the room note is important to me as well.
So I guess what I'm wondering is if I'm doing something wrong with the Grandmas Apple Pie tobacco, or is it perhaps just not my thing?
I have a tin of Eileens Dreams to try as well, but I am waiting for my cob to arrive before trying it.
Any help or tips would be appreciated.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 9, 2011
Keep going,Your doing just fine.Don't worry about rules,sit back enjoy and find what works for you!



Aug 14, 2011
You'll soon find out that many aromatics smells great. And have little to no flavor. In most cases to really appreciate the flavor you must gently blow the smoke through your nose without inhaling the smoke. This will help you "taste" the tobacco better.
With the aid of members here you should be able to select from a higher quality aromatic that does indeed taste a little more like it smells.
I would also reccomend venturing out into the whole of Virginias. I have found that in some ways they are in fact sweeter than many aro's. It sounds crazy I know, but it has a natural sweetness about it that's simply amazing. A gentle wheaty, lemongrass, and soft quality about the leaf that is an experience like no other.
If you would be interested in trying a nice Virginia pm me your address and I'll send you a sample.
Happy Smoking and welcome to the forums. :puffy:



Jan 21, 2012
Nova Scotia, Canada
Hey Spartan,
Thanks for the offer. PM will be sent shortly.
The Eileens Dreams I picked up had very good reviews online. I have yet to try it. I couldn't find any info on the Careys Apple Pie. I have no local tobacco shops so I just ordered online on the fly, and the Apple Pie sounded good. I've read that most areos smell better than they taste so I was prepared for that. I'm thinking that the E Carey Apple Pie may just not be for me, as I don't even find it to smell very strong or appealing.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Yeah sometimes with aros the tin note doesn't carry over much into the flavour. Eileen's Dream is another one that's a little more subtle in the taste, but leaves a nice room note. If you're looking for blends that taste more like they smell in the tin then give the 7 Seas line from Mac Baren a try and the Mac Baren Vanilla Cream (loose/flake cut both are great). Also if you can get your hands on it a tin of Peterson's Holiday Season 2011. Definately don't forget to give some of the blends drying time. Almost all the tins of Mac Baren blends I've gotten have been pretty moist. Keep at it though. You'll find blends you love. That's one of the most fun parts of this hobby.



Jan 25, 2012
Hi carpart, My favorites are Peterson's Nutty Cut and Sunset Breeze. Also been wanting to try the Mac Baren 7 seas blends. Spartan offers good advice about the Virginias. After spending a summer smoking more basic Virginias I can really pick out the Virginia flavor when smoking my favorite aromatics.
Oh so many choices! :)

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Word of advice on the 7 Seas blends, you can get them in bulk on a lot of online retailers. So, a 1oz sample is usually under $3. I'd think a 1oz sample would be sufficent to findout if you like the blend or not. Also Lane Limited's 1Q is a popular aro and can be found cheaper in bulk online as well.



May 8, 2011
Personally, I started on aros but soon gave them up for VA's and Va/Pers, I never could really get enough flavor through the aros and I am much happier now, of course this is me.
Just try everything and figure out what you like



Jan 16, 2012
Eatonville, WA
You could also find a nice flavorful Va or Per and top the bowl with the areo so you can get the best of both worlds. I like to do this often.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 8, 2010
Keep on trying. As your experience grows, you'll be able to pick out more subtleties in the flavour. Smoke slow (even if you are risking your pipe going out - not the end of the world!) because that's when you get the most flavour.
Even among aromatics, there is a huge variation in the balance of flavour, room note, etc., so it shouldn't be surprising to you. Eileen's Dream is one with an amazing room note and tin note, but doesn't impart much taste in my experience. So I usually put a pinch or two of a latakia-heavy blend in the bowl along with it, just to liven it up.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 18, 2011
I smoke both english and aromatics, personally liking the aromatics, but the key is experiment and find what you enjoy, some like Burley, some like Virginas but your the one smoking it and there alot of tobacco blends. Take your time, experiment find what suites you the best and by all means take your time and enjoy it. That's the whole idea. Happy smoking. Sam :puffy:



Jan 21, 2012
Nova Scotia, Canada
Thanks for all the tips guys. I'll think I'll have to pick up a few samples of some of the mentioned tobacco sometime. I'll have to wait a little while, as I've spent quite abit just recently on pipe cleaning supplies,tobacco,pipes, etc.
Having to purchase online as opposed to loack makes it harder to easily experiment.



Sep 14, 2011
I personally prefer, when I smoke an aro, a lighter one in the Danish style. I primarily want to taste tobacco, with hints of this or that. Prince Al Cherry Vanilla fits that to a "T", of the OTC aros. And it is not wet and goopy at all, so you don't need to dry it out. :puffy:



Nov 26, 2011
Nova Scotia, Canada
was prob a very mild blend. git urself a smoke of 7 seas royal, thats about right and flovor comes out nicely and its a great beginner aro. lots of flavour there



Dec 5, 2011
Mac Baren Vanilla Cream
^^^ +1 on that one ^^^
As a newbie, the loose cut was easier to pack and smoke. Do let it try a little bit before loading the pipe. I do it with most tobacco's anyway.
On the Va and VA/Per comments, +1 on those as well. I smoke them during the day, the last bowl of the night is usually reserved for an aro. Kinda like a dessert before going to bed thing ;-)



Jan 21, 2012
Nova Scotia, Canada
Thanks for all the tips guys. I think I will try some 7 Seas in the future as well as some virginias. Unfortunately all I can get locally is Captain Black, Sail, Borkum Riff, or Amphora. The closest "tobacco shop" (not even sure how good it is) is 2 hours away, so I'm stuck ordering online. Since I'm in Canada shipping is a killer. Even though tobacco is cheaper in the US shipping makes it uneconomical for a few ounces, so I'll have to wait until I can place a larger order.
In the meantime I may pick up some CBW for giggles. It seems quite popular for an OTC aromatic. My grandfather smoked Captain Black every day, so if anything it will bring back some fond memories.

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