A Few Questions from a Newbie

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Jan 6, 2013
As a first order of business (this being my first post), hello :)
I have a few questions relating to a pipe I just purchased. It is an estate GBD Prehistoric 9437.
This constitutes what I consider to be my first "real" pipe. To this point I've tried a few corn cobs and a "basket" pipe or two. But I wanted to dip my toes a bit deeper into the pool so after doing some forum lurking, I saw people generally had very good things to say about GBDs ("Its a great smoker" seemed to be a common refrain). So I felt pretty good about going after a GBD.
I saw This link showing a relative quality scale of GBD pipes and Prehistoruic came in right at the middle of the road.
Add to this my unhealthy obsession with Dinosaurs (prehistoric) and it seemed like a perfect match. So I bought it.
As I alluded to earlier, I am quite new to pipe smoking, so I am not at all confident with my ability to accurately appraise a pipe I am holding in my hands, let alone one for which I only have a few pictures. Thus I am wondering, how much did I overpay for this pipe lol? The link to the auction is here. That being said, I'm not so concerned that I paid $15-$20 too much for it as that my first "real" pipe is a decent one.
Another question I had is in regards to tobacco selection. I've seen people say that some pipe shapes/sizes really make a certain blend "sing". Given the size and shape - looks like a medium/small bowl, with a straight stem, in a pot(?) shape? Any recommendations for what type of tobacco might do well in this pipe? There's a good chance that given my level of experience it won't matter anyway, I doubt I'll be making anything truly sing for some time yet but I figured I'd ask.



Nov 25, 2012
This constitutes what I consider to be my first "real" pipe. To this point I've tried a few corn cobs and a "basket" pipe or two.
Really notapipe :?:
A corn cob is probably one of the most "real" pipes you will smoke. I have never been disappointed with a smoke in a MM Cob



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Welcome to the site notapipe. I think you did awesome buying your first real pipe. That GBD should be a great smoker for you and the price is definitely in line. As far as which blends to smoke, I would pick something you like and have at it. I wouldn't worry yet about trying to match a pipe with certain blends until you are more experienced. I think that pipe will smoke what ever you put in it very nicely. Let us know what you decide to smoke in it and tell us how you like it. Congrats on your first pipe, ya done good.



Jun 27, 2012
That's a good looking pipe. I don't have any GBDs but I know lots of folks love em.
Oh and welcome aboard!



Jan 6, 2013
Thanks for the replies all! Glad to hear I didn't grossly over spend.
I'm eagerly awaiting this pipe in the mail (expecting it by mid week). I think I'll try Mac Baren's Virginia No. 1 in it first, as I've enjoyed smoking it so far.
I think notapipe is talking about his first real briar pipe. I do not believe he is dissing cobs.
This is accurate ^.



May 4, 2011
GBD is a respectable brand and if you put in an extra $15 or 20 to make sure you won the pipe you really wanted then then money was well spent. VA is always a good start. I like McClellands and MacBaren VAs for sure!



Jan 6, 2013
Thanks again to all who replied!
I guess I was mainly looking for some reassurance on the purchase (certainly the biggest investment I've made thus far in pipes) and I feel like I got exactly that.
About to light up some 1Q for the first time, cheers!



Sep 14, 2011
Welcome to the forum.
I own one GBD, and enjoy smoking it, so I'll add to that refrain.
I would pick something you like and have at it. I wouldn't worry yet about trying to match a pipe with certain blends until you are more experienced. I think that pipe will smoke what ever you put in it very nicely.
I'll second that.



Oct 8, 2012
Welcome to the forum. Congratulations on your GBD pipe purchase. I hope you enjoy your pipe for many years to come.



Dec 12, 2012
I wouldn't worry about fitting a tobacco to your pipe yet. That's something to explore years from now. You shouldn't start your pipe-smoking experience by over-thinking it! :) Pipes are for relaxation, contemplation, comfort, and companionship. As Lady Gaga might say, "Just smoke."
At this stage in your experience, I'd encourage you to explore a wide range of tobaccos and cuts (from fine ribbon-cut blends to flakes that you'll need to rub out). Discover what you like, not what others say you should like. Some mixtures will pack easier in one pipe than another, due to bowl size, but you'll get the hang of that as you go along.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 7, 2011
Welcome to the forum. As far as pipes go .......beauty is where ya find it.

Never dis a cob, and opinions vary.
Enjoy every minute you have, once it passes its gone never to return.

try at least one new thing a day. At the end of your days you will have discovered more than most imagined.

Imagine the ideal world and behave as the imagined were real.

thats all the advise i have for now.

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