What brought you to pipe smoking?
Frugality and an addiction to nicotine that I could manage with complete abstinence if I so chose, and had for many years at a time, over time, but always returned in times of extreme stress.
You'd asked who had started with aromatics, and I had to consider that it actually WAS the 4th tobacco that I picked up that got me into looking for other blends for my pipe, online, and rather quickly to this forum, where the concept of frugality required an adjustment in my thinking, but happily.
That 4th tobacco, and it was 4th because I started with a RYO bulk burley and inhaled as I smoked IT that first week or two, then went back to the drug store where I'd got the MM Legend and picked up two store brands, one with burley and cavendish and one a 'toasted cavendish'. Well, those weren't too great, either and the drug store had one other 'branded' blend so I got that.
Now, we're smelling like what our preconceptions of pipe tobacco is, we're smelling Captain Black in the White Pouch, and yes, that's an aromatic.
I ordered some stuff from Pipes and Cigars later that week and haven't looked back. That one pouch of Captain Black lasted me seemingly forever, cuz, when I had my more natural blends in hand, I eschewed the propylene glycol in the CB.