A Day With Harris/Cigarmaster

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Dec 24, 2012
Disabling Brutus the 100 lb American Bulldog and Harris's shotgun might present a challenge.
I'm not worried about the bulldog. I figure we will just show it some affection - something I am sure it doesn't get with Harris - in order to win the dog over. The shotgun is a potential problem. Harris is as blind as a bat and only marginally less so than Stevie Wonder, so that may be the best we can hope for.



Jun 11, 2017
Thank God you didn't bring the bondage tape with you. That would have been a very uncomfortable post to read.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Funny stuff guys.
Mark, it was really nice seeing you again and I had a great day. Thanks for all the nice comments, if I was really a good host I would have had a 1000.00 an hour hooker for desert for you. I am slipping in my old age.
tnfan, that was a good time at that CFC.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 29, 2018
Wow! A rare backstage look into the secret lives of The Patriarchy.
I'm kidding.

But seriously, I wish I knew another person on planet earth that smokes pipes. Enjoying a few bowls and a delicious dinner with a friend sounds like a great time. Yes … I'm jealous.

May 8, 2017
Sugar Grove, IL, USA
Glad you got a chance to meet up, Hoosier! I have great memories of meeting Npod on a trip to Atlanta last year. Unlike you and Harris, Neal and I had met only briefly once before in Chicago --actually similar to the meetup you and I had, Hoosier. Now, I consider Neal a genuine friend.
I know it's said often, but I'll say it again. Even more than the beautiful pipes and the delicious tobacco and the contemplative moments, it's the friendships I've developed as a result of smoking a pipe that have been, by far, the most valuable and important to me.
I have been a hard-working, committed family man for virtually my entire adult life. As a result, the majority of my real, lasting friendships had been developed early in life, with a few more along the way at work and church. Valued, certainly, but after becoming an empty nester at 56 and a retiree at 57, developing more friendships wasn't something I sought, but am damned glad I did. As a result of friendships developed through the pipe hobby, I've spent more time with male friends in the last two years than in the previous 30 combined. I can't tell you how important that's been during this transition period. What's really cool is the wide variety of backgrounds we pipe smokers come from. Among my pipe smoking friends are retirees, market researchers, HVAC guys, lawyers, doctors, veterinarians, woodworkers, teachers, I.T consultants, professors, pipe carvers, pastors, missionaries, Muslims, chefs, tobacconists, white and blue collar, conservatives and liberals, straight and gay, and the list goes on and on. As a result, conversations are endless and always interesting.



Jun 11, 2017
That is a wonderful response, Craig. Very well written and full of personal experience that most pipe guys can relate to.
I will also say that the pipe community is a very special group of individuals. And for me it has also been a life saver. After a pretty bad injury and a major life event I was kinda lost and had no real support or social network to help out. Despite being a busy professional and very active in my work life, I had no friends, no children, no one to talk with other than distant family. It was during that time that I took up the pipe, initially out of boredom and longing for something to pass the time. I liked cigars, but failed to connect to the guys in a meaningful way. However, the pipe guys were my people, and a beautiful motley crew. Skip ahead 5 years and my life is very different. Through this community I have met many true friends, have traveled to far off places, have regular communication, have helped 2 people get through very tough times, have exchanged or gifted or received numerous tobaccos/pipes, and have been to two funerals for dear pipe friends that would never have been in my life were it not for the love of leaf and briar. This stuff matters. God only knows why, but it does.



Jul 30, 2012
I don't know Harris, but a long time ago he helped me find some cigars I was having a problem finding.

I appreciated it.

He has an interesting past (From what I learned here) & bet many funny ass stories to tell.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 8, 2017
This is really cool, Mark - and funnily enough, Harris is one of the dudes I'd love to meet in person one day - we share a similar story in our pipe journey; which starts out in cigars over 20 years ago and ends up in full blown over the top Pipe love!
A number of posts in this thread also resonate heavily with me! As an Australian, in a very anti-tobacco part of the world, it is often hard to meet like minded folk.... Which has meant I have had to travel a lot to meet my fellow BOTLs..... Every year or two I make a trip to the US and Cuba just for this.... Up to 40 hours travel time (each direction) - and worth every second of it!
It was only 2 months ago I got back from my trip to meet brothers in Boston, NYC and Havana.....and I'm already planning on making it to this years Chicago pipe show in May.
No kidding, and heart on heart I can assure you all - the tobacco, pipes and cigars are secondary to the reason I go the extra mile..... The life long friendships formed are the reason I play the game - I chat with my buddies on the other side of the world almost daily!

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
robcapp, I hope to meet you at the Chicago Show. If everyone follows through on their intentions, there will be around 6 of us from Cigar Family that will be there. We aren't as experienced with pipes as many here but I can assure you we do know how to have a good time. Look for the table that may be a little louder and is laughing a ton, good chance that could be us. Sit down and join the party.

May 8, 2017
Sugar Grove, IL, USA
Beautifully said, Neal.
Let this thread serve as a reminder to keep this forum positive and welcoming. I'm glad to say that on the whole, the reminder isn't necessary here.
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle." - Philo of Alexandria (20 BC-50 AD)

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