A Day So Bad I Can't Even Smoke a Pipe

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Mar 2, 2021
Alabama USA
In 2019 I went through 11 months of divorce proceedings. So, in 2020 I had to get the land and house ready to sell including digging a well. No well, no sell because my water was coming across family land. It seemed overwhelming and I am just now recovering after finding another place for myself and all that goes into moving to another state.

During these times my daugther said "dad, just do what you can today". As best as I could. this is what I have done. I found the dread and fear to be worse than actually accomplising the task.

The divorce was accomplished through mediation successfully, the land and house sold for my asking price, The well was successful at 900 feet, I moved to the neighborhood I dreamed of living, yada, yada, yada. I just did what I could on that day. Little by little all got accomplished.

One concept that I caught during the process of living in the moment. Not a meditation type. but paying attenton to my surroundings, my thoughts, and my activites. It might just be to enjoy the smoke as it rises from your pipe. If you do this your life will be enriched.

My sincere condolences regarding your father's illness. Please try to find some peace in doing what you can and not concerning yourself with things beyond yout abilites. Enjoy your breath, you family, and make the changes to improve whatever relationships that you can. Forgiviness does not mean you become friends, it just means you tell them they don't owe you anything. I read the book The Shack four times. There may be something there for you.


Jul 8, 2020
Boston, Massachusetts
Sometimes, at difficult times, i find comfort in the writings of the so called Stoic philosophers (marcus Aurelius, Seneca and others). Good collections of their thoughts on a variety of topice are available both online and through Amazon. The stoics put life in perpective for me. Sorry about your dad...the advice to smoke a pipe is good...


May 23, 2018
Sorry that you're going through all of this, especially while your father is in the hospital.

Consider FMLA - The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 is a United States labor law requiring covered employers to provide employees with job-protected and unpaid leave for qualified medical and family reasons.

One of my sons got 30 days off to deal with some work related health issues...work related stress that caused some health issues. It was so bad, he considered quitting. Like you...what about insurance?

He's fine now. Sometimes you need some time off to reboot.

Wishing you and your father the best.
Aug 1, 2012
Well, as an update, dad is doing a little better but at his age and with his Parkinson's it's not gonna come back to where it was. Such is the way life goes. The job is a little bit better as our security team likes me and took a little extra care the last few days. I just don't know how long it will remain a viable job though. I hate quitting a contract and I haven't done so yet...I don't plan to start now but you never know.

Honestly, I truly appreciate the kind words and support. A community like this is great, especially when you haven't had time to get a group of friends put together in a new place. Wisconsin has been great for new friends but you don't dump this crap on a friend you've only known for a week.

Thank you all.
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