My dad had a Sept birthday, turned 18 and was a senior in high school. In Oct he and 2 other boys in his senior class were drafted out of high school and into the Navy. A 4th boy from his class was also 18 but his family were well off and owned the local Chevrolet-GMC dealership in our small town, and it was up to the local draft board to determine who was drafted and who wasn't. So he was not drafted. So the 3 boys went straight to basic training and then on to ship together; this was obviously before the change in policy due to the loss of the 5 Sullivan brothers.
He was not at Pearl Harbor but was on Okinawa in preparation to invade the mainland of Japan when Truman made his decision to drop the bomb.
My dad was just a farm kid who clouldn't even swim! For the rest of his life he firmly believed that the U.S. knew ahead of time that it was going to enteri into a war with Japan in the Pacific and that's why it was building up the Navy and drafting kids from high school.
Jobs were hard to come by in our little town. Whatever you did you expected to get laid off during winter. When the buildup to Korea began my dad re enlisted.
He was not at Pearl Harbor but was on Okinawa in preparation to invade the mainland of Japan when Truman made his decision to drop the bomb.
My dad was just a farm kid who clouldn't even swim! For the rest of his life he firmly believed that the U.S. knew ahead of time that it was going to enteri into a war with Japan in the Pacific and that's why it was building up the Navy and drafting kids from high school.
Jobs were hard to come by in our little town. Whatever you did you expected to get laid off during winter. When the buildup to Korea began my dad re enlisted.