A culture worth protecting

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Jul 11, 2010
The way I see it, this should concern EU readers more then it should the rest since they have the benefit of unity in diversity and the US doesn't stand much of a chance in pulling off such an exercise in democracy at the moment and any attempt to succeed via the UN will end in a bloody battle with the WHO.

I've given this one a lot of thought and have run over the basics of it with a few fellow pipe enthusiasts more then once, but before I run out of patience and tobacco and start encouraging terrorism to get my point through, I'd like to know your views and possibly your experiences related to what I am proposing. I'm sure there are a lot of users here more qualified to debate this matter:
Pipe smokers form a distinct culture which should be protected by law.
While it would be difficult to argue this viewpoint regarding smoking in general, it is quite true for pipe smoking. We have our own form of art, customs, rituals, myths and a long-enough-standing tradition to qualify. We're already quite well organised into reservations called pipe clubs, we almost have a governing authority in the form of the CIPC and all they'd have to do is let us mind our own bowl of burley. I believe that if we publicly decline the fact that tobacco tasting with the aid of a pipe is actual smoking we really stand a chance of seeing our grandchildren enjoy a bowl at the end of a long day.

I really wouldn't be against our culture actually promoting care for ons's health. One way this could work is by going public (and by that I mean Euronews, BBC and CNN public) with our arguments. Perhaps we should ask that the money they squeeze off us be used strictly for regular medical examinations?
Quit feeling guilty about smoking and feel free to drop in your two cents.



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
Moth, whether in the USA or the EU, a peaceful, reasoned approach will prove to be the most productive. Your point is well taken, and an information campaign will convert and attract more supporters than resistance and, most of the time, even civil disobedience. Patience, restraint, political activism and resolve will win the day -- and do it without fostering resentment and marginalizing pipe smokers. In other words, turn a friend on to the pleasures of the pipe. Be an ambassador, not an enemy.



Jul 11, 2010
I was joking when I mentioned terrorism, but I see that you're still touchy on that matter. I'm sorry if you found it inappropriate. Also know that due to our less recent history, I find the term "political activism" just as frightful. I understand what you meant, however, I myself would much prefer an approach via information and negotiation rather then striving to change the mind of people who set the standard for being narrow-minded. I say if we're being discriminated against, let's work with them and make it official: if we're a distinct culture we get to protect ourselves from them by protecting them from us and vice-versa. We can easily declare things either way is suits us at the moment.

I am confident that smokers are less violent then the rest of the population so we won't be seeing unfortunate violent incidents related to our fighting back. I find, however that ex-smokers are quite often ill tempered, lending credence to an old Romanian custom of mentioning "and tobacco" after the word "patience". I dread the day when we will no longer afford either of those luxuries.

Still, if any minority other then smokers would go through what we put up with from the "anti", I'm guessing we'd be seeing bloodshed due to that.
While I am convinced that my point is well taken here, I doubt it will be as true when someone would try to present it to the officials. The reason I first opened this thread was to get feedback on what has been tried before in this aspect, what could be done to give it better chances of success and what, if any, those chances are. Please try to keep the discussion along those lines.
L.E. Note how it's usually the guy with the C4 around his waist that calls himself an activist and the good guy who calls himself a negotiator. :P



Jul 11, 2010
I'm "cellaring" just over four pounds of tinned Red Virginia in a large drawer at the moment, however it would be nicer if, being a protected culture, we could each ask our national equivalent of the Department Of Culture to properly store our cultural heritage for us to enjoy in spiritual (not to be confused with "religious") use at times of our choosing.

Not to mention we'd get discounts in professional pipe restoration rather then turning our kitchens into alchemists' labs in order to re-wax meerschaums and clean briars with alcohol retorts. :) Still off-topic, guys. I'm sure we can get a little more productive.



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
Moth, I think you have a workable approach. Allow me to distill your post to promote further discussion
Pipe smokers form a distinct culture which should be protected by law.

We have our own form of art, customs, rituals, myths and a [...] tradition...

We're already quite well organised into reservations called pipe clubs, we almost have a governing authority in the form of the CIPC...

[If we gainsay] tobacco tasting with the aid of a pipe is actual smoking we really stand a chance
In this country there have been similar cultural revolutions: homosexuals redefining their image via euphemisms like "gay rights"; and abortionists using language (and attitudes) like "pro-choice." But, following on those examples, it's a long road to travel.



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
Fred, that International Pipe Smoking Day post is spot-on. And I noticed that it has been translated into several languages. Thanks!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't recall IPSD being promoted here at PipesMagazine. I think it should be, but that's an editorial decision.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
One method that seems to be overlooked, or just not mentioned.
When I'm out and about I dress neatly and casually, and I smoke a good looking pipe (not too fancy) with a tobacco with a good room note.

1Q always seems to evoke a "That smells good" from passers by.

Be pleasant, and say thank you.
Be an ambassador for the pipe culture, but never be condescending, and never be critical of cigarettes. (Nothing will destroy an opportunity faster.)

It's surprising the number of people that will stop and talk to a pipe smoker; because they are curious, and I think attracted by the aroma.

In passing bring up the smoking restrictions with cigarette smokers and discuss the economics of the pipe vs. cigarettes.

Let them know that you can start inexpensively, and if they want to, they can apply that month's cig-money to a new pipe and a half pound of 1Q and have $$ left over at the end of the month.
That gets'em thinkin' about a viable and much "cooler" way to smoke.



Jul 11, 2010
Yeah, we'll try yo put something together by IPSD 2011. This year we only got as far as a local newspaper on that occasion. It's a slow start.

Economics might be a valid point in the US or most of the EU, but back here, a pack of 20 is $3.3 while an average 1 and 3/4 oz tin is $15. We have to order online from wherever we can. Pipe tobacco is taxed just as RYO and all non-cigarette tobaccos are viewed as somewhat of a luxury. we'd have a lot of work convincing people otherwise. That's why I decided to go for the distinct culture approach in the first place.



Staff member
Apr 8, 2009
Cortezattic Said: Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't recall IPSD being promoted here at PipesMagazine. I think it should be, but that's an editorial decision.
Kevin has done a couple of articles about IPSD. You can read them here:
and here:



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Hey Moth,
Your country men are truly fortunate.

Here a 20 pack of cigarettes runs around $6.40 U.S. and will last the user only one day.

Where a Tin of tobacco will last at least a week. The economic factor is a valid tact in a climate such as ours. So, here at least, the average cigarette smoker can expect to spend around $200 a month. So, $20, a month for bulk tobacco and a $100 pipe, you net about $80, here.

I am however fortunate to have a local tobacconist and use him most often.
I am not in disagreement about your culture approach. And, I suggest that through growth of our culture it stands a greater chance of surviving in the long run. I am advocating the substitution of misinformation and addiction for an eminently superior experience.



Jul 11, 2010
I wouldn't envy me if i were you, Pstlpkr. Minimum wage over here is $.6/hour and average is just over $2/hour. Advocate all you want if you have the resources. We don't and I strongly doubt that even you do since you're facing quite a well funded propaganda machine. It would be nice if it were possible, but educating us is what leaders everywhere try to avoid at all costs. It suits them to have us believe they're doing something useful for us and not have us question why, for instance, the number of reported tobacco related deaths per year which they made public is 10 to 20% higher then the actual average number of ex or current smokers that die in that year.



Mar 21, 2010
Pstlpkr is onto the right thing... Be an ambassador for the pipe culture.

When people do remark, and a good number of times it's something positive, I try

and be a good example. People understand what they experience and occasionally,

I find someone who really wants to learn. The opportunity for mentoring is a

fine thing and it's good to be ready. If people like what they see, they are

more likely to investigate.



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
Bob, thanks for posting those links to PipesMagazine's IPSD promotions! Somehow those articles slipped completely below my radar. I should have suspected that Kevin would be on top of things; time-and-again I find this e-zine to be at the cutting-edge of pipe smoking issues. So often I get an idea or two, and browse around these haunts only to discover that Kevin has "been there, done that." LOL

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