A Chocolate Chip Epiphany?

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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 28, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida
Ok so I have been smoking this blend of McClellands Pastry and McClellands Eastern Carolina Ribbon that I stole from smoking pipes website and have really enjoyed it as a sweet smoke; however I have been stumped on what the smell and taste reminded me of. I let my wife take a whiff and she too even recognized the smell, but couldn't put her finger on it. So I was going through my cabinet looking for a snack when I pulled out some Chocolate Chip cookies and BAM it hit me. I let my wife smell them and I hit the nail right on the head. I tell you what this blend taste exactly like the smell and taste of cookies. I personally think its great stuff lol.



Jul 30, 2010
Norman, Oklahoma
Kevin that is a good suggestion! I actually find milk to be a pleasant drink to have while smoking (ever person I have ever told that to thinks I am crazy).

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