So yesterday I received an email from the president of a pipe club in Southwestern Ontario. He and his club are about three hours away from my club, but we are friendly in social media and try to connect as often as possible. His email struck a chord, so I thought I'd share the recent struggle his club went through with you all.
In late 2015 the club was approached by a potential new member, this gent was local, a long-term pipe smoker and was excited about attending his first meeting. Unfortunately, life interrupted and this pipe-man passed away from a massive coronary before he could attend the meeting.
Shortly after his passing, the gentleman's widow approached a few club members about how to sell off her husband's tobacco cellar and pipes. Unfortunately, one of the club members saw profits here and he low-balled the widow on the tobacco cellar. Not knowing what she had, she agreed to sell him over a hundred tins plus whatever bulk/open tobacco she had on hand for $250CDN. Immediately thereafter this ass-hat began selling tins off at $20 - $40 each.
When this came to light, the club challenged him to own that he had acted in an underhanded way, and to come clean with profit sharing for the widow. This, to my knowledge, still hasn't happened. The club has made good with the widow as best they can. They have counselled her on the value of the pipe collection and made connections for her with re-sellers. They have also worked hard to limit their (now) ex-member's selling area by black listing him locally and via social media.
Too often I hear folks say, "My wife has no idea how much tobacco I have," or, "I could never tell my spouse how much I spent/d on pipes and tobacco." To which I now suggest this, tell your significant others what your cellar and pipe collection is worth. Let them benefit from the fruits of your passion for pipes and tobacco. Leave clear instructions on how they are to sell off and disperse your cellar and pipes.
Don't put them at the same disadvantage that this poor woman was in.
Congratulations to the club for dealing squarely and justly with all parties.
Man does it suck that anyone had to do that.
-- Pat
In late 2015 the club was approached by a potential new member, this gent was local, a long-term pipe smoker and was excited about attending his first meeting. Unfortunately, life interrupted and this pipe-man passed away from a massive coronary before he could attend the meeting.
Shortly after his passing, the gentleman's widow approached a few club members about how to sell off her husband's tobacco cellar and pipes. Unfortunately, one of the club members saw profits here and he low-balled the widow on the tobacco cellar. Not knowing what she had, she agreed to sell him over a hundred tins plus whatever bulk/open tobacco she had on hand for $250CDN. Immediately thereafter this ass-hat began selling tins off at $20 - $40 each.
When this came to light, the club challenged him to own that he had acted in an underhanded way, and to come clean with profit sharing for the widow. This, to my knowledge, still hasn't happened. The club has made good with the widow as best they can. They have counselled her on the value of the pipe collection and made connections for her with re-sellers. They have also worked hard to limit their (now) ex-member's selling area by black listing him locally and via social media.
Too often I hear folks say, "My wife has no idea how much tobacco I have," or, "I could never tell my spouse how much I spent/d on pipes and tobacco." To which I now suggest this, tell your significant others what your cellar and pipe collection is worth. Let them benefit from the fruits of your passion for pipes and tobacco. Leave clear instructions on how they are to sell off and disperse your cellar and pipes.
Don't put them at the same disadvantage that this poor woman was in.
Congratulations to the club for dealing squarely and justly with all parties.
Man does it suck that anyone had to do that.
-- Pat