For the past couple of months I've been looking at Dunhills. I wanted one each for my own birth year and those of my parents. I decided that I'm not willing to spend the bux needed to get Dunhills, so I'm settling for Kaywoodies that are in the ballpark regarding the years. Although you can't pinpoint the specific year of manufacture of Kaywoodies, you can get within a few years with some models. And Kaywoodies would be more appropriate for us than Dunhills, because me and my Dad were both Kaywoodie smokers back when.
I just pulled the trigger on a Kaywoodie model that can be determined to have been made between 1924 and 1929. That pipe will cover both my parents, being within a year or two for the both of them (Dad in 1923 and Mom in 1927). I'm currently watching another Kaywoodie that's within a few years of my own birth year. I think that they'll satisfy my desire for birth year pipes for me and my parents. Eventually I'll go for pipes for my grandparents, all of whom were born in the 19th Century. British pipes with sterling silver bands have hallmarks, which can be used to pinpoint the specific year of manufacture. Fortunately most of those (like BBB) can be had at reasonable prices. Some Petersons also have hallmarks, but I just can't get excited about Petes.
Sorry for the digression.