Welcome to the forum and brotherhood of the briar.
Can't help too much with meer maintanence but, definitely listen to the above advice.
As for getting started I definitely second picking up a few cobs as they're usually very affordable pipes that smoke well and increase your rotation. Also, since they're not too pricey they're good to try out blends. A lot of times briars will be ghosted by aromatics and if you're just starting out that can throw off how an English or Virginia blend tastes. Another way to increase your rotation affordably is through estates. There's the ever popular eBay as well as briarbid.com which is setup by Kevin and many online retailers have an estate listing on their sites too. This is a way to get quality briar pipes at a cheaper price.
In the world of pipe tobacco I suggest getting some sampler packs. There's so many types of blends on the market today that you really should give each of them a try. Keep an open mind and give an aromatic a go, an English, a Virginia/Perique, a straight Virginia, a Burley, and some Balkan blends a try. The one thing I would warn against if you don't have a built up tolerance to nicotine is staying away from blends like 1792 or Irish Flake in the beginning as they have been known to overpower people and cause nausea and such to those who haven't worked their tolerance up yet.
The best advice I think a beginner can hear is be patient and relax with the pipe, it's what a pipe was meant for. Don't let yourself get frustated with relights and packing and so forth. That all comes with experience and practice by trial and error. If you do start to have difficulties with packing and keeping the pipe lit and such checkout the other topics in this thread. They're very helpful.
Again welcome to the forums and the pipe world. Enjoy!