Well the pipe bowl is made of Maple I believe, but to be a 100% sure I have to go with only 80% sure. The shank is made out of???
The bowl started as a failed walking stick/cane that I made a bit to short, but never tosed out. After I cut the length I wanted I drilled the shank hole to about the middle of the pipe body. With that done I used the vertical mill at my work place to create the tobacco chamber. The chamber depth is above the hole for the shank so that it could allow a clean transition between the two areas. The two minor errors I made I believe was making the bowl bottom flat and the draft hole a bit to big. I used Boiled Linseed Oil for the finish and was careful not to get any into the bowl chamber or the draft. It seems to smoke well, but I'm a novice at that so I could be totally off the mark.