Wet the inside of the pipe bowl. Soak it awhile if you have time. (Don’t take the stem out while you do this. The wet shank will swell, and you’ll probably break the stem trying to get it back in.) Shake out the excess water but don’t dry the bowl.
I found this interesting. Has anyone here done this? In the past or presently? What would be the reason to wet/soak the bowl before loading? Any ideas?Load the wet bowl.
The comments about aromatics above seem to be taken from this paragraph. However, it's not clear to me what the message is. You have to learn to smoke or like arrows?The picture is a dismal one, but it contains a salutary lesson. The obvious truth which emerges is that in attempting to modify the pipe to fit the neural patterns of cigarette smokers we have tackled the problem wrongend to. There is nothing wrong with the pipe. The pipe is all right. Leave it alone. It is the smoking habits of the frustrated would-be pipe smokers that need to be taken in hand. You can’t, you say, smoke a pipe. Of course you can’t, friend. You never learned how.
So true about so many things today!But when one of these pipes has crossed the counter and your money has bonged into the cash drawer, the pipe has fulfilled its destiny. Speaking with strictest accuracy, it was made to sell, not to smoke.
And most of the places where you smoke, outside your own home or club, the kind of smoke you can offer to your companions is to be preferred to the solitary pipe.