I remember that scandal a little differently. I was talking to benandci and buying some bamboo pipes from him at the time. We had a member who was posting all sorts of slams against benandci, every time his name came up. The poster was a younger piper and is no longer here, but it was all heresay. No actual claims were filled against benandci, and it was just troll posting. I liked the forum member and was torn between believing his trolls and buying more pipes from benandci. Benandci is the US Distributor for the Chinese pipes he sells. They are made in China for a Canadian company, or at least that's what was happening back a few years ago when I was corresponding with him. Now, benandci is a legit distributor putting those pipes in retail pipe stores in the US, where they jack the prices. This is actually a running joke between Skip at The Briary and me, whenever he tries to show me one of the new bamboos. Distributors should not be competing with their retail customers. PERIOD>
Now, I don't know the details of this guy's higher end pipes, except that he is representing some Asian markets. I don't make any claims that these are legit or not, because all I have is heresay also. But, I will note that the forum member who was making the big stink with the elaborate stories never showed any results... except maybe to do some damage to the rep of the vendor. But, maybe someone knows more details of the conspiracy than me. That's just the way I remember it. But, if someone is going to make a claim against a Vendor like that, they need to follow through and sue them, or else just STFU, IMO.