I'm in agreement. I don't know what Leonardw was smoking, but it sure wasn't 507C. I can fairly conclusively say that Sutliff 507C and Peter Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake are not the same blend for one reason that's very obvious to me but might go unnoticed by others. Simply put, I'm allergic to Perique and any time I smoke a blend with even a tiny bit of Perique in it the lymph nodes under my jaw on both sides swell up and I get a tight feeling sore throat and puffed up watery eyes.
507C is one of my regular everyday smokes and it never bothers me one bit, but 15 minutes into smoking Luxury Navy Flake and my lymph nodes start swelling up and I get all the allergic reaction symptoms I get when I smoke anything containing Perique. So, I can confidently conclude that while they may look, taste, and smell quite similar Sutliff 507C does not have Perique in it but Peter Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake does.