For that price range I'd also suggest considering something like a Bjarne. Savinelli does have a few lines that are at the upper end of that. Brigham has also been thrown out. I have no experience with them, but hear generally good things. Anything less than $50 and I would agree, you're probably best looking for an estate pipe. When you start to get down to the sub $40 range, you're into Dr. Grabow territory and, let it be said, I've happily found myself in Dr. Grabow territory on more than one occasion. If you can save up for a pipe in the $70-$100 range your options will definitely open up. Most of my new briars were in that range, but you can certainly spend more. Sometimes it's a balance, if you can save up, great, but if it's the difference of buying a pipe you can enjoy, versus one that may always be just out of range, I say, "Love the one you're with!"