Welcome! I'm new to the forum too, but have been smoking a pipe for 30 years, since I was 16. The old addage, "You get what you pay for" roughly applies. I have cheap pipes and some very expensive freehands. Here is an example of the differences within the same company, Some years ago, when I was living in England, I bought 2 Parker pipes (Dunhill seconds). One of them is one of the best smoking pipes I own, while the other one seems to let moisture build up in the bottom and works its way up the stem and into my mouth. Needless to say, I don't smoke that one very often. You can get really good pipes at a decent price from Stanwell, Savinelli and a few others. A really good pipe is Ser Jacopo. They cost a bit more, but they are excellently hand crafted and the ones with the silver mount have a classy appearance. I recently picked up a Chieftains pipe for 95 Euros. It looked cool, so I bought it. It smokes really well. I would suggest a non-filter pipe. IMHO, filter pipes are harder to clean and the filter traps the moisture and can taint the taste, but this is all a matter of personal preference, like most things pipe related. I am partial to the flavored tobaccos, but you want to avoid the ones that are wet. They can goop up the pipe. I have noticed that most veteran pipe smokers go for the English blends because of the burning qualities and the tobacco tends to be of higher quality, although this is not always the case. Captain Black, which some people may balk at, is a nice smelling and relatively easy tobacco to smoke.
As for which pipe to get, start off with something that has a good standing in the pipe community, but is reasonably priced. Once you get into it, you may want to save up and buy an expensive freehand, but this is again personal taste. There are some pipe smokers who smoke nothing other than corn-cob pipes. Again, it's down to personal taste and how much you can afford. Good luck. :puffpipe: