If you don't get your package and get no response from the seller, just file a dispute with your credit card company, quick & easy. Hope it works out!
As bad as P&C is, they will finally answer their phone and will call you back.
I was wondering the same thing too. I jumped on their site Christmas Night to double-check some production data on a tabak, and lo-and-behold, their website was already updated with their New Years Specials and Promotions.I still haven’t gotten through to P&C about my order that never shipped, yet they somehow have the ability to send out catalogs through the mail, and email advertisements every day...
I just wish every time anybody said they’ll never do business with somebody again, they’d stick to it.
You won't be given the chance to: they don't ship to us. You can't even open an account with them if you're using a Canadian address.At least this read was worth learning about Pipes and Cigars... As a Canadian I won’t risk it...
12 days since the order. At the busiest time of year. In the busiest year any postal system has ever experienced. 2 of those days being Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and still. no. package.
My god man, the fortitude you are showing! Stay strong for all of us.
If you've ever dealt with genius level artisans, most have no idea what good customer service is. It may have something to do with the high level of intelligence or creativity.Yeah, and eight days with five phone calls, not a single one returned. Which freaking part of this issue are you struggling to understand? They also arbitrarily didn't provide part of my order without informing me and never provided the tracking number the order receipt promised. If that sounds like a company you want to buy from, have at it.
Wait, I'm a great pipe maker but kind of a jerk? You've got part of it right.If you've ever dealt with genius level artisans, most have no idea what good customer service is. It may have something to do with the high level of intelligence or creativity.
Sasquatch is one of those. An artisan who has few living peers but no idea what good CS might be. It's been known here by many the regulars for a long time.
Nah, just that you tend to get focused on an idea and keep on with it. Still a pipe maker I would buy from if I didn't have an empty bank account.Wait, I'm a great pipe maker but kind of a jerk? You've got part of it right.
If you've ever dealt with genius level artisans, most have no idea what good customer service is. It may have something to do with the high level of intelligence or creativity.
Sasquatch is one of those. An artisan who has few living peers but no idea what good CS might be. It's been known here by many the regulars for a long time.