I already have both, haven't tried either but I have high hopes for Margate especially. It seems like they're not so hard to find anymore. I have tried Penzance now enough to make a decision on whether I like it or not, and my opinion of it is "where's the beef?" It's creamy, but kind of like if you add too much milk to your tea or coffee and there's really no flavor left. I guess I'm kind of glad to have tried it to decide there's really nothing about it that appeals to me, I think if it were in a blind tasting with several people who had never tried it, it would rank pretty low. Around the end of the bowl where it's getting to the dottle and most blends are becoming too harsh and you dump it I found it was starting to pick up a bit to the point where I found it satisfying. But yeah there's too many blends out there for me to bother with penzance.