2020 NFL Kickoff

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May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
I am happy American FB is back, and that English FB is starting up as well. And hockey! When I get back to a real TV, I can watch the Stanley cup.

I don't care that there're guys out there who are making annually many times my net worth, and/or who are complete assholes. As long as they can. play at a very high level, I'm in for watching them.

I can turn off interviews, mentions, news about the jerks.
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Aug 2, 2016
Actually, protests in sporting events is far from new. No longer remember which Olympic games it was nor who the protesters were but think it was the games in the late 60's. Recall a couple of black Olympians for the US on the medal stands as the anthem was being played raised their fists in what used to be called the "black power" salute. Quite a controversy it raised then. Being wealthy or poor has no bearing on the message protesters wish to convey.
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Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
From Athletes and activism: The long, defiant history of sports protests - https://theundefeated.com/features/athletes-and-activism-the-long-defiant-history-of-sports-protests/

"The history of sports protests goes deep. Back, way back, on Jan. 13, 532 A.D., at the chariot races in Constantinople, rival drivers from the Blues and Greens teams asked the emperor Justinian to pardon two of their followers who had been condemned to die. His refusal led to the Nika Revolt, six weeks of rioting that resulted in the deaths of 30,000 people."


Oct 12, 2019
Florida Panhandle
I’m not watching this year.
Apologies if I dangerously toe the “no politics” line but I just want to share a quick memory as a young wet behind the years officer.

A veteran survivor of the Bataan Death March told this story and I will never forget it as long as I live. It is burned into my core.

Upon liberation from their captors, the Army unit that freed them passed through the crowd in formation, with the flag held at the front of the column.

This gentleman’s friend, laying on the ground as an emaciated skeleton barely clinging to life, saw the flag coming and said “Pick me up! Pick me up!” So he did, and his friend made his best effort to stand at attention and salute the colors.

Here’s how he finished the story:

“Then my friend laid back down. And he died.”

Some people are Americans. Others only live in America. These do not get or deserve my respect.

I hope the Lions win the Super Bowl just to piss off the entire galaxy.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 30, 2018
Granby, CO
The SJW players have every right to protest, but I don't have to watch it. When the NFL allowed BLM and Antifa now, after they shut down previous personal demonstrations of ideology (i.e. Tebow's personal prayer, slain Dallas police officers, etc), they lost me forever.

With regards to kneeling for the national anthem, everyone has the right to see that as they want to. I wasn't in the military, but my parents and most of my family were and I honor their service. It is impossible for me to not be offended by anthem kneeling. If someone pissed on my grandfather's grave and said it was a protest, I'd hit them square in the mouth. If I don't watch the NFL, NBA or MLB, I don't have to get offended by your protest. Besides, we'd all be better off turning off the television and going outside anyway. Golf, roping, old man basketball, walking, etc. Since I turned off sports, I am way more active and spend more quality time with family.

The NFL doesn't care either way. They are gambling on more people watching in support than are turning it off in disgust. They will do whatever makes them more money. To each his own, and I intend no offense to any of you that disagree. Our right to express our own opinion is what makes this country great, and we need to remember than first and foremost.
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