As I'm on disability, I have nothing but time. I opened this box just now... I'm going to try to pick the appropriate words here which best express this box o' baccy.
crickets chirping
crickets still chirping
After some careful consideration, I've decided the word(a) which best describes this thing is(are) Stupid. This box is over the top capital S tupid. Imagine you wanted vanilla ice cream. You mention to a friend, who also likes vanilla, that you'd like some ice cream. So the next day this friend sends you a shipment of 200 types of vanilla ice cream. I'm a bit overwhelmed here... in a bit, I'll take a photo which best depicts the extent of this insane stupidity
in college, after being arrested in a federal sting, I learned the subtle nuances of possession, intent to distribute, trafficking, production, etc... this feels a lot like trafficking