Much to my delight Rhodesian Nose Warmers have been showing up regularly this year. If you like to spend time outdoors these little gems are hard to beat. Not really a small pipe, I’d classify them more as “compact”. Their bowls are about the dimensions of a group 4/5 pipe but the short shank and bits give them an overall length of 4 ½ inches (+ or – a little), perfect for fitting into your breast pocket with nothing hanging out to catch on things. The short length and the flat saddle bits allow them to be easily clenched when your hands are needed for other things. Usually pipes in this configuration are few and far between but this year they have been hitting the market on a monthly basis. Here are three examples I picked up this year, all by different carvers. All share the common theme but each in its own way. I’m hoping the trend continues, I could never have too many of these.